Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
1974 national emissions data systems (NEDS) fuel use report 1978
1975 national emissions data systems (NEDS) fuel use report / 1978
1976 Energy Fact Book. 1975
1976 national emissions data systems (NEDS) fuel use report / 1979
1977 national emissions data systems (NEDS) fuel use report / 1980
1997 Revision of the Land and Resource Management Plan, Plan Appendices, Arapaho and Roosevelt National Forests and Pawnee National Grassland 1997
1997 Revision of the Land and Resource Management Plan, Record of Decision, Arapaho and Roosevelt National Forests and Pawnee National Grassland 1997
A Land Out of Time 2006
A study of air pollutant emissions from residential heating systems / 1974
Active leases and infrastructure : September 1993 / 1993
Alaska annual studies plan / 1998
Alternative 5 - combination of alternatives 3 & 4, Los Padres National Forest : Los Padres National Forest oil and gas leasing analysis. 2001
Alternative Fuels for Automotive Transportation. A Feasibility Study. Volume II. Technical Section. 1974
Analysis of draft environmental impact statement regarding proposed increase in acreage to be offered for oil and gas leasing on the Outer Continental Shelf / 1975
Analysis of test data for NOx control in gas and oil-fired utility boilers / 1975
Analysis of the Trade-Off of Exploration Between Onshore and Offshore Regions and Potential Environmental Hazards and Safeguards. Volume I: Report. 1974
Analysis of the Trade-Off of Exploration Between Onshore and Offshore Regions and Potential Environmental Hazards and Safeguards. Volume II: Appendices. 1974
Annual oil and gas report : 1951- 1951
Annual report / 1994
Annual Report Utah Department of Natural Resources, FY 1995-96 1995
AOGCC, 50 years of service to Alaska. 2008
Application of staged combustion and reburning to the co-firing of nitrogenated wastes: chemical and biological analyses [microfiche] / 1990
Areawide Waste Treatment and Water Quality Management Plan for Southern Illinois. 1978
Assessment of the U.S. Outer Continental Shelf Environmental Studies Program. 1990
Atmospheric emission from offshore oil and gas development and production / 1977
Background for NEPA reviewers : crude oil and natural gas exploration, development, and production [preliminary draft] / 1991
Beaufort Sea planning area oil and gas lease sales 186, 195, and 202 : final environmental impact statement / 2003
Beaufort Sea planning area sales 186, 195, and 202 : oil and gas lease sale, draft environmental impact statement 2002
Beaufort Sea planning area, oil and gas lease sale 144, draft environmental impact statement / 1995
Bering Sea summary report 0
Catalytic reduction of nitrogen oxides with ammonia : utility pilot plant operation / 1976
Cities Service Oil and Gas Corporation and Celeron Pipeline Company of California San Miguel Project and northern Santa Maria Basin area study : final environmental impact statement/environmental impact report 1986
Colorado oil and gas statistics. 0
Colorado Surface Impoundment Assessment, Addendum, Selected Site Visits 1981
Compilation of air pollutant emission factors. 1975
Compilation of Air Pollutant Emission Factors. Second Edition. Supplement No. 3. 1974
Comprehensive Energy Accomplishment Plan II, FY-75. Appendix A. 1974
Congress should extend mandate to experiment with alternative bidding systems in leasing offshore lands : report 1983
Cook Inlet planning area, oil and gas lease sales 191 and 199 : draft environmental impact statement / 2002
Cook Inlet planning area, oil and gas lease sales 191 and 199 : final environmental impact statement / 2003
Corrosion of oil- and gas-well equipment, 1958
Cost effectiveness analysis of final effluent limitations guidelines and standards for the coastal subcategory of the oil and gas extraction point source category. 1996
Cumulative environmental effects of oil and gas activities on Alaska's North Slope / 2003
Cumulative environmental effects of oil and gas activities on Alaska's North Slope / 2003
Deepwater Gulf of Mexico 2005 : interim report of 2004 highlights / 2005
Design trends and operating problems in combustion modification of industrial boilers / 1974
Determination of Phenolic Compounds in Alternate Fuel Matrices. 1981
Development document for final effluent limitations guidelines and standards for synthetic-based drilling fluids and other non-aqueous drilling fluids in the oil and gas extraction point source category / 2000
Development document for final effluent limitations guidelines and standards for the coastal subcategory of the oil and gas extraction point source category. 1996
Development document for interim final effluent limitations guidelines and proposed new source performance standards for the oil and gas extraction point source category. 1976
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