Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 133
Showing: Items 51 - 100
Your Search: (SUBJECT=occupational health)

Select Item Title Year Published
Handling medical issues in the federal workplace : a step-by-sep guide / 2002
Health and safety audits 1992
Health and safety roles and responsibilities at remedial sites. 1991
Health, safety, and environmental data analysis : a business approach / 1998
Hearing conservation programs : practical guidelines for success / 1990
Histoplasmosis, protecting workers at risk 1997
Identification and control of environmental and occupational diseases hazards and risks of chemicals in the oil refining industry / 1994
Identification systems for selecting chemicals or chemical classes as candidates for evaluation / 1974
Illustrated dictionary and resource directory of environmental & occupational health / 2005
Illustrated dictionary of environmental health & occupational safety 1996
Impact of hazardous waste on human health : hazard, health effects, equity, and communication issues / 1999
Industrial hygiene evaluation methods 1995
Industrial Hygiene Survey with Cover Memo and Cover Letter. 1982
Industrial Hygiene Survey, Velsicol Chemical Corporation, El Dorado, Ark Plant, Fire Master 680 Unit and Semi-Works Summary with Attachments and Cover Letter dated 07/19/1978. 1978
Injury reporting and information system field test. 1975
International archives of occupational and environmental health = Internationales Archiv f ur Arbeits- und Umweltmedizin. 1975
International journal of environmental health research. 1991
Investigation of National Occupational Hazard Survey (NOHS) survey procedures as they affect employee exposure reported for mono- and DI- chlorobenzene 1980
Investigation of selected potential environmental contaminants : acrylamides : final report / 1976
Joint ILO/WHO Committee on Occupational Health : second report. 1953
Joint ILO/WHO Committee on Occupational Health fifth report. 1967
Joint Statement on Bed Bug Control in the United States from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). 2010
Journal of occupational and environmental hygiene. 2004
Lawyers & their technical staff : making the case for Superfund / 1993
Letter from Clorox Company to USEPA Submitting Information on the Release of Chlorine Gas at the Oakland Plant with Attachments. 1979
Living with the earth : concepts in environmental health science / 1999
MAK value documentations 2005
Modern Analytical Techniques for Evaluating Mixed Environmental Exposures to Fibrous and Particulate Dusts in the Asbestos Industry. 1968
Mortality among Carboloy Employees (Final Report) with Attachment and Cover Letter dated 05/29/87. 1987
Multimedia environmental goals for environmental assessment / 1977
Nanomaterials in the workplace : policy and planning workshop on occupational safety and health / 2006
National environmental/occupational health clinics network : e-mail support : prepared for Task 2-15 / 1987
New risk-based occupational medical surveillance program for U.S. EPA Region 1, for the period 1992-1995 1992
NIOSH criteria documents plus {electronic resource} / 1996
NIOSH health hazard evaluation report HETA 2002-0038-2870 26 Federal Plaza, New York, New York 2002
NIOSH pocket guide to chemical hazards / 2007
Nursing, health & the environment strengthening the relationship to improve the public's health / 1995
O-Cresol Toxicity Data Sheet prepared by Bio Fax Industrial Bio-Test Labs., Inc. 1983
Occupational and environmental health : recognizing and preventing disease and injury / 2011
Occupational and environmental medicine. 1994
Occupational exposure and environmental release assessment of methylene chloride 1985
Occupational exposure and environmental release assessment of tetrachloroethylene / 1985
Occupational hazards in hospitals : report on a WHO meeting, The Hague, 20-22 October, 1981. 1983
Occupational medicine 1994
Occupational safety and health for the federal employee. 0
Of acceptable risk : science and the determination of safety / 1976
Operational radiation safety training : recommendations of the National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements. 2000
OSHA CD-ROM [electronic resource]. 1991
Parathion Residues on Apple and Peach Foliage as Affected by the Presence of the Fungicides, Maneb and Zineb. 1977
Patty's industrial hygiene / 2011

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