Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 15
Showing: Items 1 - 15
Your Search: (SUBJECT=medio ambiente)

Select Item Title Year Published
Bosques y biodiversidad en riesgo : vulnerabilidad en areas estratégicas y nuevos instrumentos de conservación. 2002
Chemistry for protection of the environment, 1987 : proceedings of the sixth international conference, Torino, Italy, 15-18 September 1987 / 1988
Dancing with the tiger : learning sustainability step by natural step / 2002
Dictionary of the environmental sciences / 1973
Energy from the West : impact analysis report / 1979
Environmental data report 1989
Environmental technology resources handbook / 2003
Potentials and limitations of ecosystem analysis 1987
Salvaging the land of plenty : garbage and the American dream / 1994
Strategies for human settlements : habitat and environment / 1976
Sustainable development : science, ethics, and public policy / 1995
The poverty of power : energy and the economic crisis / 1976
The strategy of social regulation : decision frameworks for policy / 1981
Toward a cleaner aquatic environment / 1973
World dynamics / 1971

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