Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 86
Showing: Items 1 - 50
Your Search: (SUBJECT=hydrologie)

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Select Item Title Year Published
A century of forest and wildland watershed lessons / 2004
Annual runoff in the conterminous United States / 1966
Applied groundwater modeling : simulation of flow and advective transport / 1992
Applied hydrology / 1988
Applied principles of hydrology / 1987
Challenges and opportunities in the hydrologic sciences / 2012
Chemical and isotopic groundwater hydrology / 2004
Concepts and models in groundwater hydrology 1972
Dispersion in estuaries and coastal waters / 1997
Dynamics of fluids in porous media / 1988
Eco-hydrology : plants and water in terrestrial and aquatic environments / 1999
Elements of applied hydrology / 1949
Elements of physical hydrology / 1998
Environmental forensics : principles & applications / 2000
Environmental hydraulics : stratified flows / 1986
Environmental hydrology / 1995
Environmental hydrology / 2004
Environmental sampling and analysis : a practical guide / 1991
Flood geomorphology / 1988
Fluvial forms and processes : a new perspective / 1998
Forest hydrology / 1980
Fresh water / 1998
Global hydrology / 1971
Groundwater hydrology / 1978
Groundwater hydrology / 1980
Handbook of applied hydrology; a compendium of water-resources technology. 1964
Handbook of hydrology / 1993
Hydroinformatics : data integrative approaches in computation, analysis, and modeling / 2006
Hydrologic analysis and design / 2005
Hydrological applications of GIS / 1999
Hydrological forecasting / 1985
Hydrology 1959
Hydrology / 1949
Hydrology : an introduction / 2005
Hydrology : an introduction to hydrologic science / 1990
Hydrology and ecology of the Apalachicola River, Florida : a summary of the river quality assessment / 1988
Hydrology handbook / 1996
Introduction to hydrology / 2003
Introduction to physical hydrology / 2010
Journal of contaminant hydrology. 1986
Journal of water resources planning and management. 1983
Karst hydrogeology and geomorphology / 2007
Machine processing of hydrometeorological data / 1971
Modern methods for modeling the management of stormwater impacts / 1995
Objectives, methods, and environment--Gila River phreatophyte project, Graham County, Arizona, 1970
Physical and chemical hydrogeology / 1990
Physical hydrology / 2002
Physics and chemistry of lakes / 1995
Practical handbook for wetland identification and delineation / 1993
Principles and applications of aquatic chemistry / 1993
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