Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 841
Showing: Items 151 - 200
Your Search: (SUBJECT=forests)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Climate change and North Carolina. 1998
Climate Change and North Dakota. 1998
Climate change and Ohio. 1998
Climate Change and Oklahoma. 1998
Climate change and Oregon. 1998
Climate change and Pennsylvania. 1997
Climate change and Rhode Island. 1998
Climate Change and South Carolina. 1998
Climate Change and South Dakota. 1998
Climate Change and Texas. 1997
Climate change and Utah. 1998
Climate change and Vermont. 1998
Climate Change and Virginia. 1998
Climate change and Washington. 1997
Climate Change and West Virginia. 1998
Climate Change and Wisconsin. 1999
Climate Change and Wyoming. 1998
Climate change discussion series : forestry. 1992
Climate change education : engaging family private forest owners on issues related to climate change : a workshop summary / 2014
Climate Data and Analysis for the New England Forest Health Monitoring Project (NEFHM/EMAP Forests). 1991
Climate. 1992
Co-Occurrence of Ozone and Acidic Cloudwater in High-Elevation Forests. 1991
Coastal Saline Soil Rehabilitation and Utilization Based on Forestry Approaches in China [electronic resource] / 2014
Coastally restricted forests 1998
Colorado forest health report, 1992-95 : a baseline assessment / 1998
Columbia : sustaining a modern resource / 1997
Comparing algorithms for estimating foliar biomass of conifers in the Pacific Northwest / 2013
Comparison of tropical forest surveys 1986
Comparison of Two Methods to Assess the Carbon Budget of Forest Biomes in the Former Soviet Union. 1993
Completion report, using topographic characteristics to predict total solute concentrations in streams draining small forested watersheds in Western Montana 1977
Composition and Origins of Aerosol at a Forested Mountain in Soviet Georgia. 1984
Computer Applications in Sustainable Forest Management Including Perspectives on Collaboration and Integration / [electronic resource] : 2006
Conifer Reproductive Biology [electronic resource] / 2009
Conserving the forests of the Chesapeake : the status, trends and importance of forests for the bay's sustainable future / 1996
Conversion factors for the Pacific Northwest forest industry : converting forest growth to forest products 1976
Cooperative survey of red spruce and balsam fir decline and mortality in New York, Vermont and New Hampshire, 1984 1984
Cost of U.S. forest-based carbon sequestration 2005
Creating a forestry for the 21st century : the science of ecosystem management / 1997
Critical concentrations of heavy metals in the mor horizon of Swedish forests. 1992
Crystalline Cellulose and Derivatives Characterization and Structures / [electronic resource] : 2008
Current Land Cover in the Tropics and Its Potential for Sequestering Carbon. 1993
Current research, research needs and problems in assessing impact of forest management practices on water quality and utility 1979
Deciduous forests of eastern North America, 1964
Decision Support for Forest Management [electronic resource] / 2008
Delaware's riparian buffers : building a line of defense to protect our state's waters / 2000
Delineation of deciduous wetland forests in northeastern Connecticut. 1977
Denitrification in bottomland hardwood soils of the Cache River, Arkansas 1993
Description of Forest Service programs and responsibilities. 1989
Design of Climate Scenarios with Application to Agriculture and Forestry in Central and Eastern North America. 1996
Designing and Conducting a Forest Inventory - case: 9th National Forest Inventory of Finland [electronic resource] / 2011
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