Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
1996 Waste programs environmental justice accomplishments report. 1997
1997-1998 Waste programs environmental justice accomplishments report. 2000
A perfect moral storm : the ethical tragedy of climate change / 2011
ABA/BNA lawyers' manual on professional conduct. 1984
Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments : final report Ancillary materials. 1995
AICPA professional standards, as of June 1, 2001. 2001
AICPA professional standards. 0
American Indian environmental ethics : an Ojibwa case study / 2004
American values : an environmental vision / 1996
An ethical roadmap for environmental lawyers / 1994
Animal biotechnology : science-based concerns / 2002
Appendix : Research on the fetus / 1976
April 13-14, 2011 EPA human studies review board meeting report. 2011
April 18-20, 2007 EPA human studies review board meeting report. 2007
April 4-6, 2006 EPA human studies review board meeting report. 2006
April 8-9, 2014 EPA human studies review board meeting report. 2014
April 9-10, 2008 EPA human studies review board meeting report. 2008
At a Glance : Quick Reaction Report: EPA Must Take Steps to Implement Requirements of Its Scientific Integrity Policy. 2013
Benefit Sharing From Biodiversity to Human Genetics / [electronic resource] : 2013
Biodefense in the age of synthetic biology / 2018
Bioethics for scientists / 2002
Breaking of bodies and minds : torture, psychiatric abuse, and the health professions 1985
Building public trust : actions to respond to the report of the Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments / 1997
Business, ethics, and the environment : the public policy debate / 1990
Cancer : genetics and the environment / 1997
Case for animal experimentation an evolutionary and ethical perspective / 1986
Chinnagounder's challenge : the question of ecological citizenship / 1999
Circumcision and Human Rights [electronic resource] / 2009
Climate ethics : essential readings / 2010
Clinical ethics : a practical approach to ethical decisions in clinical medicine / 2006
Code of professional responsibility and opinions of the D.C. Bar Legal Ethics Committee. 1982
Comments on the use of data from the testing of human subjects a report by the science Advisory Board and the FIFRA Scientific Advisory Panel. [electronic resource]: 2000
Compilation of federal ethics laws / 2011
Complementary and Alternative Medicine Ethics, the Patient, and the Physician / [electronic resource] : 2007
Conference on Medical Screening and Biological Monitoring for the Effects of Exposure in the Workplace, July 1984. Part 2. 1986
Connection on the ice : environmental ethics in theory and practice / 1998
Consensus & controversies : an interactive legislative approach to animal biotechnology in Denmark, Switzerland, and the Netherlands / 2011
Consumption, population, and sustainability : perspectives from science and religion / 1999
Contemporary Bioethics Islamic Perspective / [electronic resource] : 2015
Creating public value : strategic management in government / 1995
Crossing the stones: a portrait of Arne Naess 1992
D.C. rules of professional conduct. 1991
Deceit and denial : the deadly politics of industrial pollution / 2013
Deceit and denial : the deadly politics of industrial pollution / 2002
Discovering Life, Manufacturing Life How the experimental method shaped life sciences / [electronic resource] : 2010
Doing the Right Thing (Book Reviews). 1991
Earth community earth ethics / 1996
Earth Stewardship Linking Ecology and Ethics in Theory and Practice / [electronic resource] : 2015
Earth Summit's agenda for change a plain language version of Agenda 21 and the other Rio Agreements / 1993
Ecology, economics, ethics : the broken circle / 1991
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