Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 134
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Your Search: (SUBJECT=environmental degradation)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Acidification in the Black Triangle region : excursion, June 21-June 24, 1995 : ACID REIGN '95? : 5th International Conference on Acidic Deposition, Science and Policy : Geoteborg, Sweden, 26-30 June 1995 : under the patronage of His Majesty Carl XVI Gustaf / 1995
Acting as if tomorrow matters : accelerating the transition to sustainability / 2012
Advances in environmental research. 2008
Age of environmentalism 1997
An urgent call to action : report of the State - EPA Nutrient Innovations Task Group / 2009
Apocalypse not : science, economics, and environmentalism / 1993
Arctic voices : resistance at the tipping point / 2012
Betrayal of science and reason : how anti-environmental rhetoric threatens our future / 1996
Biological populations as indicators of environmental change. 1992
Bound to the earth 1994
Budd Inlet action plan : initial data summaries and problem identification / 1988
Climate change 1995 : the science of climate change / 1996
Climate change and tradition in a small island state : the rising tide / 2013
Coal : a human history / 2003
Coal country : rising up against mountaintop removal mining / 2009
Coastal environments and global change / 2014
Conserving and valuing ecosystem services and biodiversity : economic, institutional and social challenges / 2009
Conserving and valuing ecosystem services and biodiversity : economic, institutional and social challenges / 2011
Creeping environmental problems and sustainable development in the Aral Sea basin / 1999
Critical condition : human health and the environment : a report / 1993
Dechlorination of aromatic xenobiotic compounds by anaerobic microorganisms 1988
Defending mother earth : Native American perspectives on environmental justice / 1996
Discussion draft sustainability analytics : a white paper on scientific tools and approaches / 2011
Divided planet : the ecology of rich and poor / 1996
Eaarth / 2010
Eaarth : making a life on a tough new planet / 2011
Earth and you : tales of the environment / 2000
Eco-Pioneers : Practical Visionaries Solving Today's Environmental Problems / 1997
Eco-scam : the false prophets of ecological apocalypse / 1993
Ecocide in the USSR : health and nature under siege / 1992
Ecocide of Native America : environmental destruction of Indian lands and peoples / 1995
Effects of urbanization on stream ecosystems / 2005
Emerald city : an environmental history of Seattle / 2007
Endangered Mexico : an environment on the edge / 1997
Endangered peoples indigenous rights and the environment / 1994
Environment and international security 1992
Environment in the Czech Republic. 1991
Environmental disasters : a chronicle of individual, industrial, and governmental carelessness / 1998
Environmental health in Central and Eastern Europe / 2006
Environmental issues for the twenty-first century and their impact on human health / 2012
Environmental social science : human-environment interactions and sustainability / 2010
Exploring environmental issues : an integrated approach / 2004
Fact Sheet: The Alaska-Juneau Gold Mine Project 1996
Fighting for survival : environmental decline, social conflict, and the new age of insecurity / 1996
Fuel 2008
Fuel / 2010
Global climate change : human and natural influences / 1989
Global environmental governance / 2006
Green intelligence : creating environments that protect human health / 2010
Guide to environmental issues / 1994
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