Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 50
Showing: Items 1 - 50
Your Search: (SUBJECT=eOkologische Chemie)

Select Item Title Year Published
Analysis of pesticides in food and environmental samples / 2008
Applications of environmental aquatic chemistry : a practical guide / 2008
Arsenic : environmental chemistry, health threats, and waste treatment / 2009
Atmospheric chemistry : models and predictions for climate and air quality / 1991
Atmospheric degradation of organic substances : data for persistence and long-range transport potential / 2007
Biophysical chemistry of fractal structures and processes in environmental systems / 2008
Chemical ecology / 1970
Chemistry for environmental engineering and science / 2003
Chemodynamics : environmental movement of chemicals in air, water, and soil / 1979
Chemometrics in environmental chemistry : statistical methods / 1995
Control of volatile organic compound emissions : conventional and emerging technologies / 2000
Elements of environmental chemistry / 2007
Environmental analytical chemistry / 2000
Environmental chemistry / 2010
Environmental chemistry / 2000
Environmental chemistry / 1991
Environmental chemistry : a modular approach / 2001
Environmental chemistry of aerosols / 2008
Environmental chemodynamics : movement of chemicals in air, water, and soil / 1996
Environmental fate of pesticides / 1990
Environmental organic chemistry / 1993
Environmental oxidants / 1994
Environmental photochemistry / 1999
Experiments in Green and Sustainable Chemistry / 2009
Flame retardants : tris(chloropropyl) phosphate and tris(2-chloroethyl) phosphate. 1998
Fundamentals of environmental chemistry / 2001
Fundamentals of environmental chemistry / 1993
Hazardous waste, impacts on human and ecological health : proceedings of the 2nd International Congress on Hazardous Waste, Impact on Human and Ecological Health / 1997
Introduction to green chemistry / 2001
Introduction to green chemistry / 2010
Methods to assess the effects of chemicals on ecosystems / 1995
Nucleic acids in the environment / 1995
Organic indoor air pollutants : occurrence, measurement, evaluation / 2009
Organometallics in environment and toxicology / 2010
PCBs and the environment / 1986
Perchlorate in the environment / 2000
Perspectives in environmental chemistry / 1998
Process intensification for green chemistry : engineering solutions for sustainable chemical processing / 2013
Reaction mechanisms in environmental organic chemistry / 1994
Recent developments in mercury science / 2006
Regulating chemical accumulation in the environment : the integration of toxicology and economics in environmental policy-making / 1998
Renewable bioresources : scope and modification for non-food applications / 2004
Risk assessment : logic and measurement / 1998
Stable isotopes in ecology and environmental science / 2007
Sustainable engineering : concepts, design, and case studies / 2012
The chemistry and microbiology of pollution / 1975
The elements on earth : inorganic chemistry in the environment / 1995
Transport and transformation of contaminants near the sediment-water interface / 1994
Triazine herbicides : risk assessment / 1998
Volatile organic compounds in the environment / 1996

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