Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 28
Showing: Items 1 - 28
Your Search: (SUBJECT=drought)

Select Item Title Year Published
A Guidebook to drought planning, management and water level changes in the Great Lakes. 1990
BASINS and WEPP Climate Assessment Tools (CAT): Case Study Guide to Potential Applications. 2012
California drought of 1976 and 1977 : extent, damage, and governmental response : report of the Comptroller General of the United States. 1977
Dendroclimatic estimates of a drought index for northern Virginia / 1981
Drought planning and water efficiency implications in water resources management / 1992
Droughtland 2014
Effects of Low-Impact-Development (LID) Practices on Streamflow, Runoff Quantity, and Runoff Quality in the Ipswich River Basin, Massachusetts: A Summary of Field and Modeling Studies. 2016
Effects of Summer Drought on the Water Relations, Physiology and Growth of Large and Small Plants of 'Prosopis glandulosa' and 'Larrea tridentata'. 1995
Improving drought management in the West : the role of mitigation and preparedness : report to the Western Water Policy Review Advisory Commission / 1997
Model for Western State Drought Response and Planning 1987
National Crop Loss Assessment Network (NCLAN) 1983 Annual Report. 1985
Osmotic potential and projected drought tolerance of four phreatophytic shrub species in Owens Valley, California 1989
Overview of Case Studies on Recovery of Aquatic Systems from Disturbance. 1990
Physiological and Biochemical Responses of Bush Bean ('Phaseolus vulgaris') to Ozone and Drought Stress. 1991
Plants for the Desert Southwest. 1993
Recovery of Lotic Communities and Ecosystems Following Disturbance: Theory and Application. 1990
Salt and drought-tolerant crop plants for water conservation 1981
Sharing Solutions for Successful Plantings in the Northern Great Plains, a resource guide 2003
Survey of Potential Marsh Dieback Sites in Coastal Massachusetts. 2007
The Global climate system : climate system monitoring : December 1988-May 1991 / 1992
Tolerances of plants to drought and salinity in the western United States / 1988
Use of water by native vegetation / 1942
Utilization of Water in a Semi-Arid Region. 1971
Water Relations of Differentially Irrigated Cotton Exposed to Ozone. 1990
Water-conserving plants & landscapes for the Bay Area 1990
Xeriscape gardening : water conservation for the American landscape / 1992
Xeriscape plant guide 1996
Xeriscape. 1988

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