Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 4571
Showing: Items 501 - 550
Your Search: (SUBJECT=drinking water)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Characterization of Dysgonic, Heterotrophic Bacteria from Drinking Water. 1985
Characterization of natural organic matter in drinking water 2000
Characterization of taste and odors in water supplies / 1971
Characterization of Unclassified Nonfermentative Gram Negative Bacteria in Drinking Water. 1983
Characterizing the effect of chlorine and chloramines on the formation of biofilm in a simulated drinking water distribution system / 1999
Check up program for small systems : manage your water and wastewater assets, tasks, and finances with one easy-to-use tool : trainer's kit / 2008
Check up program for small systems : manage your water and wastewater assets, tasks, and finances with one easy-to-use tool : user's kit / 2008
Checklist : disinfection profiling for the L1ESWTR. 2002
Chemical analyses representing the public water supplies in Ohio / 1963
Chemical analyses representing the public water supplies in Ohio / 1964
Chemical analysis of interstate carrier water supply systems / 1975
Chemical Evaluation and Toxicological Testing of Concentrated Disinfected Waters. 1987
Chemical Interactions among Chlorohydrocarbon Mixtures Found in Wastewater Effluents. 1988
Chemical quality of New Mexico community water supplies, 1980 : a compilation of chemical and physical data / 1980
Chemicals Identified in Human Biological Media, a Data Base. Interim Report, May 1982 Volume IV. 1982
Chemistry of water treatment / 1983
Chlordane : fact sheet on a drinking water chemical contaminant. 1992
Chlorination, Water Hardness and Serum Cholesterol in Forty-Six Wisconsin Communities. 1990
Chlorine and hydrogen chloride / 1976
Chlorine dioxide for drinking water disinfection / 1989
Chlorine Dioxide Water Disinfection: A Prospective Epidemiology Study. 1981
Chloroacetamide herbicides and their transformation products in drinking water / 2006
Chloroform Inhibition of 1,2-Dimethylhydrazine-Induced Gastrointestinal Tract Tumors in the Fisher 344 Rat. 1989
Chloromethane : health advisory. 1989
Chromium : fact sheet on a drinking water chemical contaminant. 1992
Chronic Effects of Dietary Exposure to Amosite and Chrysotile Asbestos in Syrian Golden Hamsters. 1983
Chronic Toxicity of Lead and Cadmium: III. Effects of Chronic Intoxication on the Reproductive Function of the F1 Generation of Rats and on the Central Nervous System of the F2 Generation. 1982
Cis-1,2-dichloroethylene : fact sheet on a drinking water chemical contaminant. 1992
CIS-1,2-dichloroethylene. 1990
Citizen monitoring : recommendations to household well users / 1990
Citizen monitoring : recommendations to public water system users / 1997
Citizen monitoring : recommendations to public water system users / 1990
Citizen's guide to assessment and protection of drinking water sources. 1997
Civil action 1995
Clarification of EPA's source water assessment and protection programs goal / 1997
Clarification of public notification requirements for unregulated contaminants / 1990
Clarification on chlorination BAT for cyanide / 1994
Class I injection wells and your drinking water. 1994
Class I underground injection control program : study of the risks associated with class I underground injection wells. 2001
Class II injection wells and your drinking water. 1994
Class III cost analysis. 1980
Class III injection wells and your drinking water. 1994
Class V injection well closure. 1991
Class V injection wells / proposed regulatory requirements as part of a comprehensive management strategy for class V injection wells. 1998
Class V injection wells : EPA announces new regulatory requirements for certain Class V injection wells. 1999
Class V injection wells : EPA proposes to continue with its existing approach for managing Class V injection wells. 2001
Class V injection wells : notice of final determination : EPA will continue with its existing approach for managing Class V injection wells. 2002
Class V injection wells and your drinking water. 1994
Class V Underground Injection Control Study. Volume 13: In-situ Fossil Fuel Recovery Wells. 1999
Class V Underground Injection Control Study. Volume 14: Special Drainage Wells. 1999
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