Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Showing: Items 501 - 550
Your Search: (SUBJECT=decision making)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Institutional options for improved water quality management : investigation, research, and other activities / 1984
Institutional options for improved water quality management task : Policy direction / 1984
Institutions for Urban-Metropolitan Water Management: Essays in Social Theory. 1972
Institutions, ecosystems, and sustainability 2001
Integrated decision making for watershed management / 2002
Integrated environmental assessment and management. 2005
Integrated environmental decision-making in the 21st century / 1999
Integrated environmental decision-making in the twenty-first century : summary recommendations / 1999
Integrated federal interagency environmental justice action agenda. 2000
Integrated modeling for integrated environmental decision making white paper / [electronic resource] : 2008
Integrating Green Purchasing Into Your Environmental Management System (EMS). 2005
Integration of Multiple Objectives in Urbanizing Watersheds. 1972
Intelligent decision-making support systems : foundations, applications, and challenges / 2006
Intergovernmental influences on local land use decision making 1989
Interim guidance for performance-based reduction of NPDES permit monitoring frequencies. 1996
Interim RCRA/CERCLA guidance on non-contiguous sites and on-site management of waste and treatment residue. 1986
Interim report of the Federal Facilities Environmental Restoration Dialogue Committee : recommendations for improving the federal facility environmental restoration decision-making process and setting priorities in the event of funding shortfalls / 1993
Interlaboratory evaluation of microcosm research : proceedings of the workshop : Athens, Georgia, September 18-19, 1979 / 1980
Interoperable, life-cycle tools for assuring building performance: An overview of a commercial building initiative. 1996
Introduction to risk analysis : a systematic approach to science-based decision making / 2000
Inventory of regulations/statutes concerning dioxins and related compounds / 1988
Investigation of a Northeastern Wisconsin Lake Ecosystem: An Interdisciplinary Approach. Phase I. Approach and Preliminary Survey. 1972
Investigation of the effects of food standards on pesticide use 1978
Investigation of the Public and Private Interests in the Chesapeake Bay Area. 1973
Issuance of final guidance : ecological risk assessment and risk management principles for superfund sites / 1999
Issues in peer review of the scientific basis for regulatory decisions. 1985
It's my party too : the battle for the heart of the GOP and the future of America / 2005
Joint Climate Project to Address Decision Makers' Uncertainties report of findings. 1992
Lake-Oriented Subdivisions in North Carolina: Decision Factors and Policy Implications for Urban Growth Patterns. Part I. Developer Decisions. 1967
Land and water for tomorrow : training community leaders : a handbook. 1967
Land use in the CERCLA remedy selection process. 1995
Land use, energy flow and decision making in human society : third year-end report : project summary 1974
Late lessons from early warnings : the precautionary principle 1896-2000 / 2001
Lead and Copper Rule, 2007 Short-Term Revisions and Clarifications Implementation Guidance. 2007
Lessons Learned from Siting of Boston Harbor Sewage Outfall. 1994
Life Cycle Analysis (Video Conference Paper). 1992
Life Cycle Analysis: Its Place in Waste Management. 1993
Local Water Agencies, Communication Patterns, and The Planning Process. 1971
Logic of intuitive decision making a research-based approach for top management / 1986
Love Canal emergency declaration area habitability study : volume 1. Introduction and decision-making documentation. 1988
Making better environmental decisions : an alternative to risk assessment / 2000
Making decisions on cumulative environmental impacts : a conceptual framework / 1992
Making meetings work : achieving high quality group decisions / 2003
Making solid (waste) decisions with full cost accounting. 1996
Management Alternatives in the Use of the Water Resources of the Pecos River Basin in New Mexico. 1971
Management and Interpretation of Data Under a Triad Approach. Technology Bulletin, May 2007. 2007
Management Control System for Planning and Evaluation of Construction Grants. 1970
Management Handbook Water Division. Metropolitan District Commission. 1972
Management Problems in Metropolitan Water Resource Operations. 1971
Management Systems Review of the Superfund RI/FS: Opportunities for Streamlining. 1990
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