Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=conflict)

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Select Item Title Year Published
201 ways to deal with difficult people 1997
21 ways to defuse anger and calm people down / 2005
Agent-based modeling of environmental conflict and cooperation / 2019
Alternative dispute resolution for organizations : how to design a system for effective conflict resolution / 1998
American Indian history : five centuries of conflict & coexistence / 2004
Analyzing Organizational Conflicts in Water Resource Management. A Systematic Approach. 1972
Association of selected cancers with service in the U.S. military in Vietnam final report / 1990
ATechnique for the Systematic Identification of Pollution RFeduction Measures: EMIS 1970
Becoming a conflict competent leader : how you and your organization can manage conflict effectively / 2007
Beyond neutrality : confronting the crisis in conflict resolution / 2004
Breaking the impasse : consensual approaches to resolving public disputes / 1987
Characterizing exposure of veterans to Agent Orange and other herbicides used in Vietnam : interim findings and recommendations / 2003
Child of war, woman of peace 1994
Cleaner technologies substitutes assessment for professional fabricare processes : peer review process. 1998
Common ground on hostile turf : stories from an environmental mediator / 2013
Community mediation : a handbook for practitioners and researchers / 1991
Compilation of federal ethics laws / 2011
Conflict : the rules of engagement / 1997
Conflict is for the birds : understanding your conflict management style / 2006
Conflict management the courage to confront / 1995
Conflict of laws 1982
Conflict of laws reprinted from volume 11 Am. Jur. 1937
Conflict resolution toolbox : models & maps for analyzing, diagnosing, and resolving conflict / 2005
Conflicts in a nutshell / 2005
Constructive engagement resource guide : practical advice for dialogue among facilities, workers, communities and regulators. 1999
Cross-cultural dialogues : 74 brief encounters with cultural difference / 1994
Cross-cultural effectiveness : overview and skill building course, October 1-2, 2002, Seattle, Wash. / 2002
Crucial confrontations : tools for resolving broken promises, violated expectations, and bad behavior / 2005
Darfur : the ambiguous genocide / 2005
Dealing with conflict & confrontation : how to keep your cool, stand your ground and reach a positive resolution / 1993
Dealing with different, diverse (and difficult) people / 2001
Designing conflict management systems : a guide to creating productive and healthy organizations / 1996
Disposition of the Air Force Health Study / 2006
Dispute resolution ethics : a comprehensive guide / 2002
Dream teams : working together without falling apart / 2018
Ecology of devastation : Indochina / 1971
Effects of herbicides in South Vietnam 1974
Environmental disputes : community involvement in conflict resolution / 1990
Environmental health sciences decision making : risk management, evidence, and ethics : workshop summary / 2009
EPA : investigation of Superfund and agency abuses : hearings before the Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations of the Committee on Energy and Commerce, House of Representatives, Ninety-eighth Congress, first session ... 1984
EPA Ethics Advisory Reports. 1995
EPA Region 8 environmental collaboration and conflict resolution training : May 20-22, 2014 / 2014
EPA Region VI ADR workshop : collaborative problem solving for superfund site teams / 2000
Epidemiologic investigation of health effects in Air Force personnel following exposure to herbicides : baseline morbidity study results, 24 February 1984, prepared for the Surgeon General, United States Air Force 1984
Epidemiologic investigation of health effects in Air Force personnel following exposure to herbicides : extract, reproductive outcomes, executive summary, introduction and conclusions, 31 August 1992 / 1992
Ethics in Government Act of 1978 as amended by Public Laws 96-19, 96-28, 97-409, and 98-150 / 1984
Ethics in government reporter. 1980
Ethics training resource materials : Atlanta, GA, August 28-29, 1990 / 1990
Evolution of cooperation 1984
Farm Service Agency : additional actions needed to address employee conflict-of-interest issues : report to the Chairman, Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry, U.S. Senate / 1997
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