Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 32
Showing: Items 1 - 32
Your Search: (SUBJECT=compliance assurance)

Select Item Title Year Published
Better Use of Technology in Compliance Monitoring Activities : Field Activity Compliance Technology Strategy (Fact Strategy) / 2007
Characterization of mercury emissions at a chlor-alkali plant : study organization and implementation / 2000
Compliance assurance program : responsibility and procedure manual / 1974
Compliance Assurance Program, Final Report 0
Compliance with enforcement instruments / 2001
Development and Evaluation of Mercury CEMS for Combustion Emissions Monitoring. 2001
Environmental Results Through Smart Enforcement, Fiscal Year 2002. 2003
EPA ... Compliance & Enforcement annual results / 0
EPA FY 2004 end of year Enforcement & Compliance Assurance results / 2004
EPA has Initiated Strategic Planning for Priority Enforcement Areas, but Key Elements Still Needed. 2008
EPA's multimedia enforcement program / 2000
FY 2007 OECA accomplishments report : protecting the environment / 2008
FY88 enforcement accomplishments report. 1989
FY89 enforcement accomplishments report. 1990
FY91 Enforcement accomplishments report. 1992
FY92 Enforcement accomplishments report. 1993
Innovative approaches to enforcement and compliance assurance : action plan for innovation. 1999
Nationally consistent environmental justice screening approaches : a report of advice and recommendations / 2010
OECA accomplishments report. 1985
OECA Echo : Enforcement And Compliance Assurance for a Cleaner Environment. 0
OECA Echo : Enforcement And Compliance Assurance for a Cleaner Environment. 0
OECA FY 2008 accomplishments report : protecting public health and the environment / 2008
Office of Compliance : creating an innovative Enforcement and Compliance Assurance Program : an introduction to the Office of Compliance. 1994
Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance Workbook: The Timely and Appropriate (T&A) Enforcement Response to High Priority Violations (HPVs). 1999
Profile of the Oil and Gas Extraction Industry. EPA Office of Compliance Sector Notebook Project. 2000
Protecting your health & the environment through innovative approaches to compliance : highlights from the past 5 years. 1999
Providing greater access to environmental data : a guide to the sector facility indexing project. 1998
Summary of Enforcement Accomplishments, Fiscal Year 1985 (Environmental Protection Agency). 1986
Summary of Enforcement Accomplishments, Fiscal Year 1986 (Environmental Protection Agency). 1987
Summary of Enforcement Accomplishments, Fiscal Year 1987 (Environmental Protection Agency). 1988
The lead line. 1999
Toolkit for assessing potential allegations of environmental injustice / 2004

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