Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=community development)

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Select Item Title Year Published
$Mart investments for city and county managers : energy, environment, and community development / 1998
A land use decision methodology for environmental control / 1975
A simple question : the story of STRAW / 2010
Action handbook : managing growth in the small community / 1978
Action handbook for small communities facing rapid growth : case study, Scobey, Montana / 1977
Affordable housing and smart growth : making the connection / 2001
Analysis of Federal Programs Affecting Solid Waste Generation and Recycling. 1972
Annual Report of the Good Neighbor Environmental Board (3rd), July 1998. A Presidential and Congressional Advisory Committee on U.S.-Mexico Border Issues. 1998
At a Glance : Costs Claimed Under EPA Grant XP97424901 Awarded to West Rankin Utility Authority, Flowood, Mississippi. 2009
At a Glance : Costs Claimed under EPA Grant XP98011401 Awarded to the City of Rupert, Idaho. 2009
At the crossroads of jobs and environment : reducing lead hazards through community employment / 1999
Attracting infill development in distressed communities : 30 strategies. 2015
Baseline information on small community wastewater needs and financial assistance 1999
Beckett new community : (Gloucester County, New Jersey ; Philadelphia SMSA) / 1973
Better models for development in Virginia / 2001
Beyond sprawl : land management techniques to protect the Chesapeake Bay : a handbook for local governments / 1997
Breakthrough communities : sustainability and justice in the next American metropolis / 2009
Building communities together : strategic planning guide. 1998
Building healthy communities : resources for compatible development / 1997
Building livable communities : a report from the Clinton-Gore administration. 1999
Building livable communities : sustaining prosperity, improving quality of life, building a sense of community. 2000
Capital Improvements Programming for Local Governments. 1975
Capitalizing on collaboratives : new partners for community development finance / 1996
Central city urban renewal project, Parkersburg, West Virginia : final environmental impact statement / 1976
Choosing a sustainable future : ideas and inspiration from Ithaca, NY / 2010
City green, innovative green infrastructure solutions for downtowns and infill locations. 2016
Community and quality of life : data needs for informed decision making / 2002
Community development and smart growth : stopping sprawl at its source / 2003
Community impact analysis : a manual for assessing the possible effects of planned environmental change / 1977
Community Noise Assessment Manual: Acoustical Survey of a Community. 1981
Community Organization and Rural Water System Development. 1971
Community Partnering for Environmental Results : a learning by doing approach to building public outreach skills : demo version. 1998
Community Partnering for Environmental Results : a learning-by-doing approach to building public outreach skills. 1999
Community partnering for environmental results : a learning-by-doing approach to building public outreach skills. 2008
Community Water Problems as a Factor in Municipal Incorporation in Montana. 1968
Community, economy, environment : a citizen's guide to achieving a healthy community, economy & environment. 1996
Comprehensive city demonstration plan year II : community development, Texarkana, Texas. 1970
Conservation : it's about community, a land ethic for today. 1998
Cooperating with nature : confronting natural hazards with land use planning for sustainable communities / 1998
Costs claimed under EPA grant XP97424901 awarded to West Rankin Utility Authority, Flowood, Mississippi / 2009
Costs claimed under EPA grant XP98011401 awarded to the city of Rupert, Idaho / 2009
Creating equitable, healthy, and sustainable communities : strategies for advancing smart growth, environmental justice, and equitable development / 2013
Creating great neighborhoods : density in your community / 2003
Creating Great Neighborhoods: Density in Your Community. 2003
Cutting energy costs : the 1980 yearbook of agriculture / 1980
Decentralizing urban policy : case studies in community development 1982
Deep economy : the wealth of communities and the durable future / 2007
Developing for the future : hometown USA : innovative community projects supported by EPA grants / 2000
Development and Evaluation of Citizen Participation Techniques for Inland Lake and Shoreland Management. 1971
Do you need help reducing harmful pollution in your community?. 2005
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