Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=coal mines)

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Select Item Title Year Published
A baseline assessment of coal industry structure in the Ohio River Basin Energy Study region : appendix, County coal profiles / 1979
A citizen's handbook to address contaminated coal mine drainage. 1997
A guide for methane mitigation projects : gas-to-energy at coal mines : draft / 1996
A guide for revegetating coal minesoils in the eastern United States / 1981
A history of coal mining in North Dakota, 1873-1982 / 1983
A Listing of Proposed, Planned or Under Construction Energy Projects in Fedearl Region VIII, a Joint Report 1975
A network for monitoring the impact on surface water quality / 1980
A report on mining Narragansett coal / 1977
A statistical study of coal sulfur variability and related factors / 1980
A Western regional energy development study : final report / 1976
Abandoned Mine Lands Site Discovery Process. 2006
Abatement of mine drainage pollution by underground precipitation / 1973
Abatement of Mine Drainage Pollution by Underground Precipitation. 1973
Accepting the challenge : a primer about the history, cause, and solutions to abandoned mine drainage / 2003
Acid mine drainage : a report prepared for the Committee on Public Works, House of Representatives / 1961
Acid mine drainage abatement measures for selected areas within the Susquehanna River Basin. 1968
Acid mine drainage prediction : technical document / 1994
Activities and habitat use of pronghorns on Montana-Wyoming coal lands 1978
African coal supply prospects 1991
Alluvial Valley Floors in East-Central Montana and Their Relation to Strippable Coal Reserves - A Reconnaissance Report. 1977
Ambient air analysis of Bunker Hill lead emissions / 1981
An application of ERTS technology to the evaluation of coal strip mining : and reclamation in the northern Great Plains. 1975
An evaluation of a surface application of limestone for controlling acid mine discharges from abandoned strip mines, Sewellsville, Ohio / 1984
An intergovernmental project to improve environmental quality in an area of abandoned mines / 1976
An introduction to the Coaltown impact assessment model / 1981
Analysis of energy projections and implications for resource requirements : prepared for Missouri River Basin Commission, Yellowstone level B study. 1976
Analysis of pollution control costs / 1974
Analysis of the Availability of Bituminous Coal in the Appalachian Region. 1971
Anthraco-silicosis among hard coal miners. 1936
Anticipated effects of major coal development on public services, costs and revenues in six selected counties : final report 1974
Anticipated energy resources development impact on high school youth, Converse County, Wyoming : a youth study in the towns of Douglas and Glenrock, Wyoming / 1974
Anticipated socio-economic impacts of coal development / 1974
Application of residuals management for assessing the impacts of alternative coal-development plans on regional water resources 1977
Appraisal of Neutralization Processes to Treat Coal Mine Drainage. 1973
Aquatic-Biotic Community Structure as an Indicator of Pollution. 1972
Areawide environmental assessment on the development of a NEPA compliance strategy for new source coal mining activity in the eastern Kentucky coal field / 1982
Areawide environmental assessment on the development of a NEPA compliance strategy for new source coal mining activity in the western Kentucky coal field 1984
Areawide Waste Treatment and Water Quality Management Planning. Appendix C-1. Energy Report: Evaluation of Areawide Coal Production and Future Projections. 1978
Areawide Waste Treatment and Water Quality Management Planning. Appendix C-3. Summary Report for the Southern Illinois 208 Mine Waste Control Program. 1978
Assessment of the potential for economic development and utilization of coalbed methane in Czechoslovakia / 1992
Assessment of the potential for economic development and utilization of coalbed methane in Poland / 1991
At a Glance : the State of Colorado Did Not Fully Assure That Funds Intended to Treat Mining Wastes and Remove Contaminants from Water Were Effectively Spent. 2013
Atlas of Western surface-mined lands : coal, uranium, and phosphate / 1978
Atlas of Western Surface-Mined Lands: Coal, Uranium, and Phosphate. 1978
Benthic populations of thirty three stream locations draining coal reserves of Tennessee : final report / 1980
Bibliography of abandoned coal-mine lands in Oklahoma / 1981
Bibliography of Bureau of Mines investigations of coal and its products, 1945 to 1950 / 1954
Bibliography on disposal of mine and cleaning plant refuse / 1981
Bibliography, coal resources in Colorado 1972
Big Cajun No. 2 Power Station : preface, environmental impact report / 1975
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