Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=aquifers)

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Select Item Title Year Published
"In situ" characterization of microorganisms indegenous to water-tabe aquifers. 1984
... Groundwater in Montana. 1969
1980 South Dakota Surface Impoundment Assessment: an assessment of the groundwater pollution potential of surface impoundments for fluid wastes 1980
2008 New Hampshire Estuaries Project: Prime Wetland Designation Activities: 2005-2008. 2008
A Brief Overview of the Hydrogeology of the Major Aquifers and Aquifer Systems in Wyoming. 1994
A cross-site comparison of methods used for hydrogeologic characterization of the Galena-Platteville aquifer in Illinois and Wisconsin, with examples from selected Superfund sites / 2004
A description of aquifer units in eastern Oregon / 1985
A description of aquifer units in western Oregon / 1983
A Field evaluation of in-situ biodegradation for aquifer restoration / 1987
A field evaluation of in-situ biodegradation for aquifer restoration / 1988
A field evaluation of in-situ biodegradation for aquifer restoration / 1987
A guide to the selection of materials for monitoring well construction and ground-water sampling / 1984
A guide to the selection of materials for monitoring well construction and ground-water sampling / 1984
A manual of laws, regulations, and institutions for control of ground water pollution / 1976
A new approach and methodologies for characterizing the hydrogeologic properties of aquifers / 1990
A report to the Congress : activities and programs implemented under section 319 of the Clean Water Act - fiscal year 1988 / 1989
A review and assessment of factors affecting hydraulic conductivity values determined from slug tests / 1994
Abiotic reductive dechlorination of carbon tetrachloride and hexachloroethane by environmental reductants / 1990
Accumulation of Poly-beta-Hydroxybutyrate in a Methane-Enriched, Halogenated Hydrocarbon-Degrading Soil Column: Implications for Microbial Community Structure and Nutritional Status. 1989
Accuracy of depth to water measurements / 1991
Acquisition and Analysis of Groundwater/Aquifer Samples: Current Technology and the Trade off between Quality Assurance and Practical Considerations. 1990
Adaptation of Aquifer Microbial Communities to the Biodegradation of Xenobiotic Compounds: Influence of Substrate Concentration and Preexposure. 1989
Adaptation to and Biodegradation of Xenobiotic Compounds by Microbial Communities from a Pristine Aquifer. 1987
Adsorption of organic cations to soils and subsurface materials 1990
Advances in Hazardous Waste Site Alluvial Sampling. 1991
Advection-Dispersion Interpretation of Tracer Observations in an Aquifer. 1982
Aerial Remote Sensing, A Bibliography. 1973
Aerobic Biodegradation of Natural and Xenobiotic Organic Compounds by Subsurface Microbial Communities. 1988
Agricultural Contaminants Removal from Groundwater by Carbon and Reverse Osmosis. 1987
Alluvial and bedrock aquifers of the Denver basin-eastern Colorado's dual ground-water resources / 1988
Alternatives for Ground Water Cleanup. 1994
Altitude and configuration of the 1980 water table in the High Plains regional aquifer northwestern Oklahoma 1982
Altitude and configuration of the predevelopment water table in the High Plains regional aquifer, northwestern Oklahoma 1982
Altitude and configuration of the water table in the High Plains aquifer in Kansas, 1980 / 1984
Altitude and configuration of the water-level surface in Mesozoic sedimentary rocks at and near the North Penn Area 7 Superfund Site, Upper Gwynedd Township, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, December 4-6, 2000 / 2004
An assessment of potential groundwater contamination from septic tanks in Indiana / 1983
An introduction to the technology of subsurface wastewater injection / 1977
An introduction to the technology of subsurface wastewater injection / 1977
Anaerobic biodegradation of BTEX in aquifer material / 1997
Anaerobic Biodegradation of Nitrogen-Substituted and Sulfonated Benzene Aquifer Contaminants. 1989
Anaerobic Biodegradation of o-, m- and p-cresol by Sulfate-Reducing Bacterial Enrichment Cultures Obtained from a Shallow Anoxic Aquifer. 1989
Anaerobic biotransformation of contaminants in the subsurface / 1991
Anaerobic Biotransformations of Pollutant Chemicals in Aquifers (Journal Version). 1988
Analysis and Interpretation of Single-Well Tracer Tests in Stratified Aquifers. 1985
Analysis of an aquifer test at Saint Paul Island, Pribilof Islands, Alaska 1994
Analysis of Dispersion in a Stratified Aquifer. 1984
Analysis of ground-water flow and saltwater encroachment in the shallow aquifer system of Cape May County, New Jersey / 1998
Analysis of the effects of hypothetical changes in ground-water withdrawal from the Floridan aquifer system in the area of Glynn County, Georgia 1990
Analysis of the effects of proposed pumping from the principal artesian aquifer, Savannah, Georgia, area 1984
Analysis of the Water Quality Problems of the Safford Valley, Arizona. 1973
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