Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 9
Showing: Items 1 - 9
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Zone of aeration Mathematical models)

Select Item Title Year Published
A geostatistical methodology to assess the accuracy of unsaturated flow models / 1996
Compilation of saturated and unsaturated zone modeling software (update of EPA/600/R-93/118 and EPA/600/R-94/028) : project summary / 1996
Compilation of saturated and unsaturated zone modeling software / 1996
Conceptual models of flow and transport in the fractured vadose zone 2001
Estimation of infiltration rate in the vadose zone. 1998
Identification and compilation of unsaturated/vadose zone models / 1994
Identification and compilation of unsaturated/vadose zone models / 1994
Kinematic modeling of multiphase solute transport in the vadose zone / 1989
Some guidelines for onsite studies of pesticide leaching in the unsaturated and saturated zones 1992

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