Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 8
Showing: Items 1 - 8
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Yakima Valley)

Select Item Title Year Published
Characterization of Suspended Sediments in Water from Selected Watersheds as Related to Control Processes, Nutrient Contents, and Lake Eutrophication. 1974
Cost-Effective Strategies for Alleviating Water Quality Degradation from Irrigated Agriculture. 1976
Relation between nitrate in water wells and potential sources in the lower Yakima valley, Washington / 2012
Relation between nitrate in water wells and potential sources in the lower Yakima Valley, Washington / 2013
Research Needs for Irrigation Return Flow Quality Control. 1971
Socio-economic and institutional factors in irrigation return flow quality control / 1978
Socio-economic and institutional factors in irrigation return flow quality control : volume II, Yakima Valley case study / 1978
Yakima Basin and its water at the end, there is little to mark ... / 1976

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