Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
1992 Presidential Classroom volunteer instructors. 1991
A classification system for water and wastewater facilities and personnel : Part 2--Personnel certification and examination system. 1976
A classification system for water and wastewater facilities and personnel : Part 3--Existing examination systems : a current status report / 1976
A guide for state certification of wastewater facilities personnel : the report on a study of state programs to certify personnel in water pollution control facilities / 1973
A guide for state certification of wastewater facilities personnel; the report on a study of state programs to certify personnel in water pollution control facilities. 1973
A Survey of household hazardous wastes and related collection programs. 1986
Achieving sawmill health and safety / 1987
Additional Note Regarding Measurement of the Exposure of Workers to Pesticides. 1963
Administrative review of the ABC certification system : project report by the Association of Boards of Certification for Operating Personnel in Water and Wastewater Utilities. 1977
Adopt your watershed!. 2005
Adopt your watershed!. 2002
Adopt your watershed!. 1998
Air concentrations and inhalation exposure to pesticides in the Agricultural Health Pilot Study / 1997
Analysis of public and worker attitudes toward carcinogens and cancer risk 1978
Approach to quality improvement that works with an emphasis on the white-collar area / 1988
Arsenic Levels in Urine of Forest Workers Applying Silvicides. 1971
Asbestos compliance encyclopedia. 1988
Asbestos Fiber Release during Change-Out of Filter Bags from HEPA-Filtered Vacuum Cleaners. 1991
Asbestos growth of federal claims, court cases, and litigation costs : report to the Chairman, Subcommittee on Labor Standards, Committee on Education and Labor, House of Representatives / 1988
Assessment of Lipid, Hepatic, and Thyroid Parameters with Serum Perfluorooctanoate (PFOA) Concentrations in Fluorochemical Production Workers. 2007
Benzene: Case-Control Study of MDS and Benzene in Shanghai Workers. 2015
Biennial report : fiscal year 1998 and 1999 / 1999
Biological monitoring for pesticide exposure : measurement, estimation, and risk reduction / 1989
Bladder Cancer in Perfluorooctanesulfonyl Fluoride Manufacturing Workers. 2007
Bladder Cancer in Perfluorooctanesulfonyl Fluoride Manufacturing Workers. 2004
Building 6 : the tragedy at Bridesburg / 1977
Cadmium. 2003
Cancer morbidity and causes of death among Danish brewery workers 1980
Chemical information manual. 1991
Citizen stream monitoring : a manual for Illinois / 1990
Civil rights pioneers : 25 jumbo stamp image biographical postcards. 2005
Comparative cause-specific mortality patterns by work area within the steel industry 1975
Derivation of a volatilization factor to estimate upper bound exposure point concentration for workers in trenches flooded with ground water off-gassing volatile organic chemicals; Final. 1999
Dermal exposure related to pesticide use : discussion of risk assessment : based on a symposium sponsored by the Division of Pesticide Chemistry at the 187th Meeting of the American Chemical Society, St. Louis, Missouri, April 8-13, 1984 / 1985
Directory : Office of Civil Rights / 1986
Disability compensation for asbestos-associated disease in the United States 1982
Draft Results of an Epidemiology Study of Carbon Black Workers in the United States. 2014
Drinking Water Criteria Document for Pentachlorophenol. 1991
Environmental hazards of metals toxicity of powdered metals and metal compounds / 1975
Environmental volunteer program resource guide. 1995
EPA Journal, Volume 18, No. 1, March/April 1992. Environmental Protection: Has It Been Fair. 1992
EPA Response Support Corps (RSC) : 2012 update. 2012
EPA Response Support Corps (RSC). 2008
EPA's pesticide programs. 1991
Epidemiologic study of cancer incidence and mortality among workers exposed to acrylonitrile at a chemical plant which produces textile fibers / 1980
Epidemiological study of Klebsiella pneumoniae among pulp and paper mill workers / 1981
Epidemiological study of Klebsiella pneumoniae among pulp and paper mill workers / 1981
Evaluation of occupational hazards from industrial radiation : a survey of selected states / 1976
Evaluation of radium contamination in aircraft instrument repair facilities. 1969
Exposure of Spraymen to Pesticides. 1972
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