Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 34
Showing: Items 1 - 34
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Wood pulp industry Waste disposal United States)

Select Item Title Year Published
1975 review of the literature on pulp and paper effluent management. 1976
1977 review of the literature on pulp and paper effluent management. 1978
A Study of kraft recovery furnace hydrochloric acid emissions. 1994
A study of the disposal of paper mill wastes at sea : first disposal operation, June 2-6, 1955 / 1955
Color removal from kraft pulping effluent by lime addition. 1975
Cost-effectiveness analysis of proposed effluent limitation guidelines for the pulp, paper, and paperboard industry. 1993
Development document for best conventional pollutant control technology effluent limitations guidelines for the pulp, paper, and paperboard and the builders' paper and board mills point source categories. 1987
Development document for effluent limitation guidelines and standards of performance for the pulp, paper, and paperboard industry 1973
Economic impact analysis of proposed effluent limitations guidelines, new source performance standards, and pretreatment standards, for the pulp, paper, and paperboard mills point source category / 1980
Economic impact analysis of proposed effluent limitations guidelines, new source performance standards, and pretreatment standards, for the pulp, paper, and paperboard mills point source category : volume I, economic impact analysis / 1980
Estimates of chloroform generation from papergrade kraft mills using complete substitution bleaching. 1996
Evaluation of EPA's permit compliance system (PCS) database / 1997
Fate of toxic and nonconventional pollutants in wastewater treatment systems withib the pulp, paper, and paperboard industry / 1981
In vitro methods for identification of endocrine active compounds. 1996
Laboratory hydraulic conductivity testing protocols for paper industry residuals used for hydraulic barrier layers 2002
Paper profits: pollution in the pulp and paper industry. 1972
Pulp and paper industry effluent limitation guidance and technical documentation / 1973
Pulp and paper industry face significant cuts in dioxin under EPA proposal / 1993
Relationship of effluent limitations to future pulp mill closures / 1972
Results of laboratory microcosm studies of the anaerobic biodegradation of chloroform in subsurface environments. 1996
Solid waste management practices in the U.S. paper industry, 1995. 1999
Summary of NCASI's effluent nutrient biodegradation study results / 2009
Technical approaches to characterizing and cleaning up brownfields sites : pulp and paper mills : site profile. 2002
Technical approaches to characterizing and cleaning up brownfields sites : pulp and paper mills : site profile. 2002
Volatile organic emissions from pulp and paper mill sources. Part I, Oxygen delignification systems. 1994
Volatile organic emissions from pulp and paper mill sources. Part II, Lime kilns, smelt dissolving tanks and miscellaneous causticizing area vents. 1994
Volatile organic emissions from pulp and paper mill sources. Part III, Miscellaneous sources at kraft and TMP mills. 1994
Volatile organic emissions from pulp and paper mill sources. Part IV, Kraft brownstock washing, screening and rejects refining sources. 1994
Volatile organic emissions from pulp and paper mill sources. Part IX, Semi-chemical mills / 1994
Volatile organic emissions from pulp and paper mill sources. Part V, Kraft mill bleach plants / 1994
Volatile organic emissions from pulp and paper mill sources. Part VI, Kraft recovery furnaces and black liquor oxidation systems. 1994
Volatile organic emissions from pulp and paper mill sources. Part VII, Pulp dryers and paper machines at integrated chemical pulp mills / 1994
Volatile organic emissions from pulp and paper mill sources. Part VIII, Sulfite mills / 1994
Volatile organic emissions from pulp and paper mill sources. Part X, Test methods, quality assurance/quality control procedures, and data analysis protocols / 1994

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