Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Wood waste)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Analysis of control strategies and compliance schedules for wood particle and fiber dryers / 1976
Build a firewood storage shed. 2018
Carcinogenic hazard of wood dusts 1986
Chemical utilization of waste wood through pyrolysis = Chemische verwertung von holzresten durch pyrolyse 1974
Chemicals from pulp and wood waste : production and applications 1978
Combustion of wood residue in conical Wigwam burners : emission controls and alternatives : Prepared for U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Division of Stationary Source Enforcement / 1976
Development document for effluent limitations guidelines and new source performance standards for the plywood, hardboard and wood preserving segment of the timber products processing point source category / 1974
Dismantling railroad freight cars; a study of improved methods with application to other demolition problems / 1969
Dismantling railroad freight cars; a study of improved methods with application to other demolition problems, 1969
Economic alternatives to tepee burners for disposal of wood residue in Montana / 1980
Economic impact of allowing open burning in disaster areas, R78-2 1979
Emissions from burning cabinet making scraps 1993
Emissions from burning cabinet making scraps / 1993
Emissions from burning cabinet making scraps : project summary / 1994
Emissions from outdoor wood-burning residential hot water furnaces / 1998
Energy potential from construction and demolition wood wastes : final report / 1977
Entrainment drying and carbonization of wood waste 1969
Environmental and technological analysis of the use of surplus wood as an industrial fuel / 1980
Environmental assessment of a wood-waste-fired industrial firetube boiler / 1987
Environmental assessment of a wood-waste-fired industrial firetube boiler / 1987
Enzymatic hydrolysis of cellulosic wastes to glucose / 1975
Fabrication de panneaux de bois par voie humide avec recyclage integral des eaux de fabrication = Recycling of water in the manufacturing of wood fiber panels / 1981
Feasibility study of wood-residue-fired cogeneration at Heppner, Oregon : final report 1980
Forest management burning handbook : air pollution problems, burning techniques, smoke management / 1994
Forest product residuals : {papers} 1975
Health effects of wood smoke 1992
Improved combustion of wood waste in industrial boilers : technology applications manual : technology transfer 1982
In-forest dried (IFD) wood residue fuel technology development : final report on batch IFD system 1986
Logging residue in Washington, Oregon, California volume and characteristics / 1973
Mill residue availability in Montana, 1990-2000 / 1992
Municipal solid waste combustion : testing and evaluation the combustion characteristics of waste fuels: final report, May 1, 1990-August 31, 1992 / 1992
Nonfossil fueled fired industrial boilers : emission test report, Owens-Illinois, Forest Products Division, Big Island, Virginia. 1980
Nonfossil fueled fired industrial boilers : emission test report, Westvaco Bleached Board Division, Covington, Virginia. 1980
Particulate emissions from sawmill waste burners 1968
PIC analysis methods : project summary / 1987
Preliminary environmental assessment of energy conversion processes for agricultural and forest product residues : vol. 1 / 1978
Preliminary environmental assessment of energy conversion processes for agricultural and forest product residues : vol. 1 / 1978
Presumptive remedies for wood treatment facilities. 1992
Pretreatments and substrate evaluation for the enzymatic hydrolysis of cellulosic wastes / 1977
Products of incomplete combustion from direct burning of pentachlorophenol-treated wood wastes / 1998
Recycling of wood and paper products in the United States / 1996
South Tongass wood waste fuel resource assessment 1993
Study and assessment of eight yard waste composting programs across the United States / 1989
Study and assessment of eight yard waste composting programs across the United States / 1988
Study of the feasibility of cogeneration using wood waste as fuel : final report 1980
Supplement E to compilation of air pollutant emission factors, volume 1: Stationary point and area sources. 1999
Supplement F to compilation of air pollutant emission factors. Volume 1, Stationary point and area sources. 2000
Test burn of chlorophenol contaminated wood wastes at Northwood Pulp Mill, Prince George, B.C. summary report / 1989
Use of recycled wood and paper in building applications : papers / 1997
Utilization of bark waste / 1973
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