Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 38
Showing: Items 1 - 38
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Women in science)

Select Item Title Year Published
Achieving XXcellence in science : role of professional societies in advancing women in science : proceedings of a workshop AXXS 2000 / 2004
Becoming leaders : a practical handbook for women in engineering, science, and technology / 2008
Biennial report to Congress / 0
Blazing the trail : essays by leading women in science / 2013
Broadening participation in America's science and engineering workforce : the 1994-2003 decennial & 2004 biennial reports to Congress / 2004
Broadening participation in science and engineering research and education : workshop proceedings. 2004
Changing America : the new face of science and engineering : interim report / 1988
Covert discrimination and women in the sciences / 1978
Expanding the role of women in the sciences : [proceedings] / 1979
From scarcity to visibility : gender differences in the careers of doctoral scientists and engineers / 2001
From science to business : preparing female scientists and engineers for successful transitions into entrepreneurship : summary of a workshop / 2012
Hand up women mentoring women in science / 1993
Impact analysis of sponsored projects to increase the participation of women in careers in science and technology. Abbreviated version with selected appendices 1977
Journeys of women in science and engineering : no universal constants / 1997
Mentoring means future scientists a guide for developing mentoring programs based on the AWIS Mentoring Project / Stephanie J. Bird (Project Director)...{et. al.}. 1993
Pathways for women in the sciences / 1993
Reflections on gender and science / 1985
Science : woman's work / 1990
Science is women's work photos and biographies of American women in the sciences / 1993
The death of nature : women, ecology, and the scientific revolution / 1980
The equity equation : fostering the advancement of women in the sciences, mathematics, and engineering / 1996
The History of women and science, health, and technology : a bibliographic guide to the professions and the disciplines. 1993
The Madame Curie complex : the hidden history of women in science / 2010
To recruit and advance : women students and faculty in science and engineering / 2006
To the contrary, women in engineering / 2003
Who will do the science of the future? : a symposium on careers of women in science / 2000
Women changing science voices from a field in transition / 1995
Women for science : an advisory report / 2006
Women in science & engineering. 1996
Women in science : antiquity through the nineteenth century : a biographical dictionary with annotated bibliography / 1986
Women in science : then and now / 2009
Women in science. 0
Women of science : righting the record / 1993
Women of science : righting the record / 1990
Women scientists / 1991
Women scientists in America : before affirmative action, 1940-1972 / 1995
Women, minorities, and handicapped in science and technology : report of the Administrator. 1990
Women, minorities, and persons with disabilities in science and engineering. 1994

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