Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 39
Showing: Items 1 - 39
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Wiskunde)

Select Item Title Year Published
Accuracy and stability of numerical algorithms / 2002
Advanced calculus / 1952
Adventures of a mathematician / 1976
Aha! gotcha : paradoxes to puzzle and delight / 1982
An introduction to numerical analysis / 1978
An introduction to random vibrations, spectral and wavelet analysis / 1993
Analysis of straight-line data / 1959
Approximations for digital computers / 1955
Calculus, 1943
Complex variables and applications 1974
Computer methods for mathematical computations / 1977
Computer solution of ordinary differential equations : the initial value problem / 1975
CRC handbook of mathematical sciences / 1978
CRC standard mathematical tables and formulae / 1996
CRC standard mathematical tables and formulae / [editor-in-chief,] Daniel Zwillinger. 2003
Difference methods for initial-value problems / 1967
Handbook of mathematical functions with formulas, graphs, and mathematical tables / 1964
Identification of outliers / 1980
Introduction to mathematical consensus theory / 1980
Introduction to numerical analysis / 1956
LAPACK users' guide / 1992
Map projections--a working manual / 1987
Mathematica : a system for doing mathematics by computer / 1988
Mathematical handbook for scientists and engineers; definitions, theorems, and formulas for reference and review 1968
Mathematics dictionary / 1968
Mesh free methods : moving beyond the finite element method / 2003
Methods of numerical mathematics / 1975
Numerical methods / 1974
Numerical recipes in FORTRAN : the art of scientific computing / 1992
Principles and techniques of applied mathematics / 1956
Some mathematical problems in biology. 1968
Stochastic approximation, 1969
Tensor analysis : theory and applications to geometry and mechanics of continua / 1964
The history of mathematics : a brief course / 2005
The mathematica book / 1999
The mathematics of physics and chemistry / 1956
The secret life of numbers : 50 easy pieces on how mathematicians work and think / 2006
The theory of splines and their applications / 1967
Theory and applications of numerical analysis 1973

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