Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
Adaptation of Gaussian plume model to incorporate multiple station data input. 1975
Adaptation of Gaussian Plume Model to Incorporate Multiple Station Data Input. Volume II. Appendices. 1975
Aerosol source characterization study in Miami, Florida : trace element analysis / 1979
Air pollution of climatology around an isolated point source using convective scaling parameters / 1988
Ambient Monitoring of Pollutants Around Synfuel Plants. 1984
An evaluation of the ASTM standard method for determining the performance of a wind vane / 1980
Analysis of Air Pollution in Osaka (Osaka in Okeru taiki Osen Jokyo no ichi-Kosatsu). 1974
Assesing Transboundary Influences in the Lower Rio Grande Valley. 1999
Atmospheric Diffusion and Air Pollution: Abstracts. 1971
Atmospheric dispersion parameters in Gaussian plume modeling. 1976
Atmospheric Stability Class Determinations on a 481-Meter Tower in Oklahoma. 1978
Atmospheric Transport of Toxaphene to Lake Michigan. 1986
Beef cattle feedlot site selection for environmental protection / 1972
Carbon Monoxide Hot Spot Guidelines. Volume V: User's Manual for Intersection-Midblock Model. 1978
CDM2: Climatological Dispersion Medel, Version 2.0 (on Diskette). 1997
Climatological Dispersion Model (CDM 2.0) (for Microcomputers). 1997
Comparison of Three Methods for Calculating the Standard Deviation of the Wind Direction. 1986
Comparison of Wind Monitoring Systems. Part 1. In situ Sensors. 1986
Comparison of Wind Monitoring Systems. Part 2. Doppler Sodars. 1986
Concentration Statistics by Wind Direction for 1976 St. Louis SO2 Measurements and Model Estimates. 1985
Correcting RADM's Sulfate Underprediction: Discovery and Correction of Model Errors and Testing the Corrections Through Comparisons against Field Data. 1993
Correcting RADM's Sulfate Underprediction: Discovery and Correction of Model Errors and Testing the Corrections through Comparisons against Field Data. 1993
Description of the Savannah River Laboratory Meteorological Data Base for 1975 to 1979. 1986
Determination of height for stack near building : wind tunnel study / 1976
Dispersion of sulfur dioxide from the Clinch River power plant : a wind-tunnel study / 1979
Effect of mechanical cooling devices on ambient salt concentration / 1976
Effects of Meteorology on Concentrations of Acid Aerosols. 1994
Estimating Inaccessible Source Strengths Using Tracer Techniques: A Sensitivity Analysis. 1987
Estimation of seasonal and annual acidic deposition through aggregation of three-day episodic periods / 1990
Evaluation of a Convective Scaling Parameterization for Estimating the Diffusion of a Buoyant Plume. 1987
Evaluation of Selected Air Pollution Dispersion Models Applicable to Complex Terrain. 1974
Evaluation of Wind Measurements by Four Doppler Sodars. 1984
Experimental Study of Sulfur and NOx Fluxes Over Grassland. 1986
Guidance for siting ambient air monitors around stationary lead sources / 1997
Guidelines for air quality maintenance planning and analysis. Vol. 10, revised. Procedures for evaluating air quality impact of new stationary sources / 1977
Improvements to Single-Source Model. Volume 2. Testing and Evaluation of Model Improvements. 1977
International Sodar Intercomparison Experiment. 1990
Laboratory simulation of plume dispersion from lead smelter in Glover, Missouri, in neutral and stable atmosphere / 1975
Lower Rio Grande Valley transboundary air pollution project (TAPP) / 1999
Measuring the Dynamic Performance of Wind Vanes. 1981
Meteorological data preparation for demonstration of the application of ASTM Standard D 6589. 2003
Methodology to Apportion Ambient Air Measurements to Investigate Potential Effects on Air Quality Near Waste Incinerators. 1993
Model Verification - Aircraft Emissions Impact on Air Quality. 1974
On-Site Digital Accumulation and Storage of Hydrologic Data for Use in Data Acquisition Systems. 1972
Optimum meteorological and air pollution sampling network selection in cities : volume III: objective variational analysis model / 1981
Overview of PAMS Meteorological Monitoring Requirements. 1994
Oxygenated Organic Compound Concentrations Near a Roadway in Lithuania, SSR. 1989
Ozone in the Northeastern United States / 1977
Possibilities of Forecasting Pollutant Content in Urban Air (Nekotorye Vozmoshnosti Prognoza Soderzhaniya Primesei v Gorodskom Vozdukhe). 1971
Power plant stack plumes in complex terrain : description of an aerometric field study / 1979
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