Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 28
Showing: Items 1 - 28
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Willamette River Valley Or)

Select Item Title Year Published
A sanitary survey of the Willamette Valley, 1930
Bibliography of hydrogeology for the Willamette Valley, Oregon 1992
Effect of riparian areas on the ecological condition of small, perennial streams in agricultural landscapes of the Willamette Valley {Microfiche} 1997
Geologic framework of the Willamette Lowland Aquifer system, Oregon and Washington / 1998
Ground water in the Corvallis-Albany area, central Willamette Valley, Oregon / 1974
Ground water in the Eola-Amity Hills area, northern Willamette Valley, Oregon / 1967
Ground water in the Eugene-Springfield area, southern Willamette Valley, Oregon / 1973
Ground water in the Harrisburg-Halsey area, southern Willamette Valley, Oregon / 1976
Guidebook for hydrogeomorphic (HGM)-based assessment of Oregon wetland and riparian sites. I, Willamette Valley Ecoregion. 2001
Halsey, Oregon preliminary estimate of economic growth, 1960-2010 / 1962
Hydrogeologic framework of the Willamette Lowland Aquifer system, Oregon and Washington 1998
Middle Willamette Basin (Oregon) preliminary economic reconnaissance and estimate of growth, 1960-2010. 1962
Open field burning : an emission factors study of alternative firing techniques, Volume 6, Summer 1978 / 1979
Oregon's Mid-Willamette Valley wetlands : agricultural uses, alternative uses, problems and trends / 1980
Origin, extent, and thickness of Quaternary geologic units in the Willamette Valley, Oregon / 2001
Prospective timber supplies and forest industrial development in the Willamette River Basin; administrative report prepared for the Willamette River Basin Task Force of the Columbia River Interagency Committee. 1965
Public participation in Willamette Valley environmental decisions / 1973
Records of wells, water levels and chemial quality of ground water in the French Prairie-Mission Bottom area, northern Willamette Valley, Oregon / 1961
Records of wells, water levels and chemical quality of ground water in the Molalla-Salem slope area, northern Willamette Valley, Oregon / 1963
Second report on the Willamette valley project outlining a regional plan for development of the Willamette drainage basin. 1937
Stream corridor and wetland restoration system for the Willamette River Valley of Oregon : project prospectus. 1997
Summary of water quality control and management, Willamette River Basin. 1967
Tentative estimates of Willamette Basin economic growth to 1980 and 2010 / 1961
Trends in land use in the Willamette Valley, Oregon. 1963
Wetland regulatory compliance in the Willamette Valley, Oregon, 1982 to 1994. 2000
Willamette Basin recreation areas summary. 1965
Willamette River : river lands and river boundaries / 1970
Williamette Basin comprehensive study of water and related land resources main report. 1969

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