Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 14
Showing: Items 1 - 14
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Wetlands Monitoring)

Select Item Title Year Published
A comprehensive wetland assessment, monitoring and mapping strategy for Minnesota / 2006
Coastal wetlands indicator study : EMAP-estuaries Louisianian Province - 1991 / 1995
Defining wetland condition assessment processes / 2004
Development of a floristic quality assessment methodology for Wisconsin : final report to USEPA - Region V / 2003
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program - wetlands : research strategy for the assessment of wetland condition / 1993
Hydrogeomorphic wetland profiling : an approach to landscape and cumulative impacts analysis / 2005
Inventory and assessment of geographically isolated wetlands in the Texas coastal region: initial mapping and accuracy assessment. 2006
Pesticide concentrations in wetlands on the Lake Traverse Reservation, South and North Dakota, July 2006 / 2007
Quality assurance project plan for Nanticoke wetland assessment study / 2000
Research and quality assurance methods used in the EMAP prairie wetlands pilot study / 1994
Research plan & methods manual for the Oregon Wetlands Study / 1993
Research plan for monitoring wetland ecosystems / 1991
Testimony of William K. Reilly, Administrator, United States Environmental Protection Agency before the Subcommittee on Environmental Protection of the Committee on Environment and Public Works, United States. 1991
Wetlands research status report. 1978

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