Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Showing: Items 251 - 300
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Wetland ecology)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Recent wetland trends in Anne Arundel County, Maryland (1981-82 to 1988-90) 1992
Recent wetland trends in southeastern Massachusetts 1988
Recognizing wetlands 1997
Regional guidebook for assessing the functions of low gradient, Riverine Wetlands in Western Kentucky 1999
Report on the status and trends of emergent and submerged vegetated habitats of Gulf of Mexico coastal waters, U.S.A. / 1992
Research plan for monitoring wetland ecosystems / 1991
Restoration of temperate wetlands / 1995
Restoring prairie wetlands : an ecological approach / 1994
Restoring wetlands in Washington : a guidebook for wetland restoration, planning, and implementation / 1993
Results of a workshop concerning assessment of the functions of bottomland hardwoods / 1987
Results of a workshop concerning impacts of various activities on the functions of bottomland hardwoods 1987
Review of rapid assessment methods for assessing wetland condition / 2004
Review of the Chesapeake Bay Program's first decade & recommendations for the future : a report / 1993
Revised federal manual for identifying and delineating vegetated wetlands : draft. 1991
Riparian communities : an annotated bibliography of ecosystem and management topics with emphasis on the Intermountain West / 1990
Riparian ecosystem creation and restoration : a literature summary / 1989
Riparian ecosystems as essential habitat for raptors in the American West / 1987
Riparian-wetland soils : riparian area management / 2003
Riparian/wetland research expertise directory : Arizona, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico, and Utah / 1995
Socioeconomic values of wetlands : concepts, research methods, and annotated bibliography / 1981
Soil-vegetation correlations in the Pocosins of Croatan National Forest, North Carolina 1988
Soil-vegetation correlations in the Sandhills and Rainwater Basin wetlands of Nebraska 1987
Soil-vegetation correlations in wetlands and adjacent uplands of the San Francisco Bay estuary, California 1988
Soil-vegetation correlations within the riparian zone of Butte Sink in the Sacramento Valley of northern California 1988
Sphagnum fens on the Oregon coast : diminishing habitat and need for management / 2005
Squish| : a wetland walk / 1994
State of the Lakes Ecosystem Conference 1996 : [working papers]. 1996
State of the Lakes Ecosystem Conference 1998 : conference proceedings, October 21-23, 1998, Buffalo, New York / 1999
State of the Lakes Ecosystem Conference 2000 conference proceedings / [electronic resource] : 2001
State of the Lakes Ecosystem Conference : integration paper / 1994
Status and recent trends of wetlands in five mid-atlantic states 1986
Status and trends of wetlands in the coastal watersheds of the eastern United States : 1998 to 2004 / 2008
Status and trends of wetlands in the conterminous United States 2004 to 2009 / 2011
Strategic plan for the Great Lakes Commission. 2007
Strengthening Great Lakes monitoring and assessment : legislative guidance. 2006
Synthesis of soil-plant correspondence data from twelve wetland studies throughout the United States 1990
Texas coastal wetlands : status and trends, mid-1950s to early 1990s / 1997
The biology of freshwater wetlands / 2006
The coastal wetlands of Maryland / 1982
The condition of tidal wetlands of Washington, Oregon, and California, 2002 / 2007
The Distribution of wetland and deepwater habitats in the San Francisco Bay region / 1994
The Ecological impacts of wastewater on wetlands : an annotated bibliography / 1984
The ecology of Atlantic white cedar wetlands : a community profile / 1989
The ecology of Lake St. Clair wetlands : a community profile / 1986
The ecology of tidal marshes of the Pacific Northwest coast : a community profile / 1983
The Effects of wastewater treatment facilities on wetlands in the Midwest / 1983
The Effects of wastewater treatment facilities on wetlands in the Midwest / 1983
The Everglades vulnerability analysis : integrating ecological models and addressing uncertainty / 2021
The Everglades, Florida Bay, and coral reefs of the Florida Keys : an ecosystem sourcebook / 2002
The first progress report under the 1987 Chesapeake Bay Agreement / 1989
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