Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 580
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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Wetland conservation)

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Select Item Title Year Published
... evaluation report to the U.S. Congress on the effectiveness of Louisiana coastal wetland restoration projects. 1997
A citizen's guide to wetland restoration : approaches to restoring vegetation communities and wildlife habitat structure in freshwater wetland systems / 1994
A citizen's handbook for wetland protection in the Rocky Mountain and Northern Great Plains regions / 1989
A comprehensive review of wetland assessment procedures : a guide for wetland practitioners / 1999
A comprehensive wetland assessment, monitoring and mapping strategy for Minnesota / 2006
A Process for regional assessment of wetland risk : Summary Report / 1992
A regional guidebook for applying the hydrogeomorphic approach to assessing wetland functions of Flats Wetlands in the Everglades / 2002
A summary of protecting America's wetlands : a fair, flexible, and effective approach. 1993
A technical summary of wetland restoration costs in the continental United States [electronic resource] / 1994
A user guide to assessing proper functioning condition and the supporting science for lentic areas / 1999
A User guide to assessing proper functioning condition and the supporting science for lotic areas / 1998
Advanced Identification of Wetlands in the City of Boulder Comprehensive Planning Area / 1988
After the storm : restoring America's Gulf Coast wetlands : a special report of the National wetlands newsletter / 2006
Agricultural activities and the federal §404 wetland protection program / 1991
Agriculture and wetlands : a compilation of factsheets / 1992
America's wetland : campaign to save coastal Louisiana. 2002
America's wetland : Louisiana's vanishing coast / 2005
America's wetlands : our vital link between land and water. 2004
America's wetlands : our vital link between land and water. 1995
America's wetlands : our vital link between land and water. 1988
American wetlands. 1990
An analysis of wetland losses and compensation under the Clean Water Act Section 404 program : managing natural resources through mitigation / 1984
An approach to improving decision making in wetland restoration and creation / 1993
An Approach to improving decision making in wetland restoration and creation / 1992
An Assessment of wetland mitigation practices pursuant to Section 404 permitting activities in Washington State / 1992
An ecological characterization of the Caloosahatchee River/Big Cypress watershed / 1985
An introduction and user's guide to wetland restoration, creation, and enhancement : a guide for the public containing background on wetlands and restoration, information on project planning, implementation and monitoring, lists of resources, contacts, and funding sources / 2003
An SAB report : evaluation of EPA's wetlands research program / 1991
Analysis of the Section 404 Program / 1985
Applied wetlands science and technology / 2001
Applied wetlands science and technology / 1994
Aquatic ecosystem health and management : special issue : ecology of Lake Superior. 2011
Are there plants in your wetland? : revegetating wetlands / 2000
Assessment of floodplain wetlands of the lower Missouri River using a reference-based study approach. Part I, Determination of reference conditions / 2007
Assessment of floodplain wetlands of the lower Missouri River using an EMAP study approach. Phase II, Verification of rapid assessment tools / 2010
Assessment of the Corps of Engineers' Section 404 permit program in northern New Jersey, 1980-1984 / prepared by State College Field Office, Ecological Services. 1984
Banks and fees : the status of off-site wetland mitigation in the United States / 2002
Best management practices for Rainwater Basin Wetlands : a handbook / 1994
Better understanding of wetland benefits : will help Water bank and other Federal programs achieve wetland preservation objectives : report to the Congress / 1979
Bienvenido a las tierras pantanosas. 1998
Bizhibayaash, Circle of flight : tribal wetland and waterfowl enhancement initiative. 1991
Building near wetlands : the dry facts. 1994
Building near wetlands the dry facts. 1991
Cache slough/yolo bypass ecosystem monitoring study to determine wetland mitigation success 1995
CALFED no action alternative appendix 1998
CALFED phase II alternative descriptions : programmatic EIS/EIR appendix / 1998
CALFED phase II interim report 1998
Case for wetland restoration 1999
Catalog of state wetland protection development grants : fiscal year ... / 0
Characteristics and benefits of Michigan's coastal wetlands: draft / 1978
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