Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 24
Showing: Items 1 - 24
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Wellhead protection United States)

Select Item Title Year Published
3DFEMWATER/3DLEWASTE : numerical codes for delineating wellhead protection areas in agricultural regions based on the assimilative capacity criterion / 1992
A guide to wellhead protection / 1995
A small town source water primer : building support for protection programs. 2000
Demonstrating benefits of wellhead protections programs 2004
Draft comprehensive state ground water protection program guidance. 1992
Federal agency ground water technical assistance directory. 1994
Guidance on remedial actions for contaminated ground water at Superfund sites. 1988
Managing agricultural fertilizer application to prevent contamination of drinking water. 2001
Managing livestock, poultry, and horse waste to prevent contamination of drinking water {electronic resource}. 2001
New state source water assessment programs. 1999
Protecting sources of drinking water : selected case studies in watershed management. 1999
Safe Drinking Water Act : progress and future challenges in implementing the 1996 amendments : report to the Chairman, Committee on Environment and Public Works, U.S. Senate / 1999
Source water 2000 : funding and assistance programs to protect small town and rural drinking water. 1998
Source water protection : a guidebook for local governments / 2000
Source water protection : best management practices and other measures for protecting drinking water supplies. 2003
Source water protection : it's in our hands / 2003
Source water protection : it's in our hands. 2003
Source water protection practices bulletin / managing agricultural fertilizer application to prevent contamination of drinking water. 2001
Source water protection practices bulletin / managing livestock, poultry, and horse waste to prevent contamination of drinking water. 2001
State and federal source water assessment and protection program measures-final reporting guidance. {electronic resource} : 2005
Suggestions for state and local groundwater protection programs / 1992
Workshop on guidance for the wellhead protection and sole source aquifer demonstration programs : hydrogeologic criteria. 1987
Workshop on guidance for the wellhead protection and sole source aquifer demonstration programs : management protection plans. 1987
Your hometown clean water tour. 1998

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