Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Weed Control)

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Select Item Title Year Published
1996 Pest management guide for commercial small fruits. 1996
Algae in water supplies : an illustrated manual on the identification, significance, and control of algae in water supplies / 1959
Apply pesticides correctly, a guide for commercial applicators : right-of-way pest control. 1976
Apply Pesticides Correctly. A Guide for Commercial Applicators. Ornamental and Turfgrass Pest Control. 1976
Apply Pesticides Correctly. A Guide for Private Applicators. 1975
Aquatic weed control studies / 1966
Basic Research in the Aquatic Environment: Effects of Eutrophication on Phytoplankton Populations and Selected Species of Aquatic Vascular Plants. 1973
Biological Associated Problems in Freshwater Environments. Their Identification, Investigation and Control. 1967
Biological control of aquatic nuisances : a review / 1977
Biological Control of Aquatic Vegetation. 1973
Biological control of insect pests and weeds / 1964
Colorado weed control handbook / 1962
Conservation Tillage and Conventional Tillage: A Comparative Assessment. 1982
Covering Bottom Sediments as a Lake Restoration Technique. 1981
Degradation of pesticides by algae / 1976
Development of a Case Study of the Total Effect of Pesticides in the Environment, Non-Irrigated Croplands of the Mid-West. 1972
Development of a Selective Algaecide to Control Nuisance Algal Growth. 1973
Diagnostic Feasibility Study of Lake Waubee, Kosciusko Co., Indiana. 1982
Ecological impact of integrated chemical and biological aquatic weed control / 1984
Ecological impact of integrated chemical and biological aquatic weed control : final report / 0
Ecological impact of integrated chemical and biological aquatic weed control : final report {MICROFICHE} / 1983
Ecologically Based Pest Management: New Solutions for a New Century. 1996
Economic Implications of Biological Control of Arundo donax in the Texas Rio Grande Basin. 2009
Energy and Flow Requirements for Chopping Water Hyacinths. 1972
Estimating tree biomass, carbon, and nitrogen in two vegetation control treatments in an 11-year-old Douglas-fir plantation on a highly productive site / 2013
Eutrophication of Small Reservoirs in the Great Plains. 1972
Evaluation of the National Invasive Species Act to Support Its Reauthorization. Proceedings Document of the Symposium 'Looking Forward, Looking Back: Assessing Aquatic Nuisance Species Prevention and Control'. Held in Ann Arbor, Michigan, May 15-16, 2001. 2002
Exotic/Invasive Species Control Manual for Mangrove Forest Areas. 1995
Farmers' Pesticide use Decisions and Attitudes on Alternate Crop Protection Methods. 1974
Fate of Diquat in the Aquatic Environment. 1972
Forest pest control / 1976
Glufosinate efficacy and phytotoxicity in field corn (Zea mays L.) / 1996
Grass Carp as a Potential Control Agent for Cattails. 1986
Guidelines for weed control. 1973
Handbook of weed and insect control chemicals for forest resource managers 1981
Health and environmental effects profile for diallate. 1983
Healthy lawn, healthy environment : caring for your lawn in an environmentally friendly way / 1992
Herbicide contamination of surface runoff waters / 1973
Herbicide contamination of surface runoff waters / 1973
Herbicide programs for managing glyphosate- and ALS-resistant Palmer amaranth in Mississippi soybean / 2011
Herbicide report : chemistry and analysis, environmental effects, agricultural and other applied uses / 1974
How to identify and control water weeds and algae 1976
Impact of aquatic plants and their management techniques on the aquatic resources of the United States an overview. {microfrom} 1982
Improving duck marshes by weed control 1957
Improving Surface Water Conditions Through Control and Disposal of Aquatic Vegetation. Phase I: Processing Aquatic Vegetation for Improved Handling and Disposal or Utilization. 1972
Improving Surface Water Conditions through Control and Disposal of Aquatic Vegetation. Phase II. 1973
Integrated control of weeds 1977
Introduced parasites and predators of arthropod pests and weeds : a world review / 1978
Investigations of aquatic weed control methods and their environmental effects on non-target aquatic species : progress report, 1972-1973 / 1974
Lake Level Drawdown as a Macrophyte Control Technique. 1980
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