Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 21
Showing: Items 1 - 21
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Watershed management Oregon)

Select Item Title Year Published
Alsea Watershed study : Summary report / 1961
Alsea watershed study : to determine the effects of logging on aquatic resources / 1967
An assessment of community-based adaptive watershed management in three Umpqua Basin Watersheds / 1999
Biennial report / 2003
Bull Run : a world treasure / 1998
Engineering report on the enlargement of Balm Creek Reservoir Big Creek Watershed, Baker and Union Counties / 1970
Going with the flow : understanding effects of land management on rivers, floods, and floodplains / 2002
Integrating the planning mandates of the Clean Water Act, the Coastal Zone Act Reauthorization Amendments of 1990, and the Endangered Species Act : toward a comprehensive approach to watershed management planning / 1999
Interim protection for late-successional forests, fisheries, and watersheds : national forests east of the Cascade Crest, Oregon, and Washington / 1994
Meeting water quality objectives on state and private forest lands through the Oregon forest practices act : a report / 1977
Morphometric indices of streamflow and sediment yield from mountain watersheds in western Oregon : a report prepared for USDA-Forest Service, Siuslaw National Forest / 1978
New Alsea watershed study. 1991
Oregon watershed assessment manual / 1999
Oregon watersheds : many activities contribute to increased turbidity during large storms : report to congressional requesters / 1998
Proposal a watershed management strategy for Oregon : final report and recommendations of the SWMG policy work group. 1992
Rock Barbs enhance fish habitat and water quality in Oregon's Tillamook Bay Watershed / demonstrating practical tools for watershed management through the National Estuary Program. 1998
Studies on effects of watershed practices on streams / 1972
Water temperature in the Steamboat drainage / 1971
Watershed restoration program : accomplishment report 1997 / 1998
Watershed work plan, Middle Fork of Hood River watershed, Hood River County, Oregon / 1962
Willamette Restoration Initiative restoration and conservation programs inventory / 1999

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