Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 38
Showing: Items 1 - 38
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Water rights United States)

Select Item Title Year Published
Beyond litigation : case studies in water rights disputes / 2002
Cases and materials on water law / 1986
Cases and materials on water law; resource use and environmental protection, 1974
Command of the waters : iron triangles, federal water development, and Indian water / 1994
Command of the waters iron triangles, federal water development, and Indian water / 1987
Common law of water. 1971
Divided waters : bridging the U.S.-Mexico border / 1995
Documents on the use and control of the waters of interstate and international streams : compacts, treaties, and adjudications / 1957
Documents on the use and control of the waters of interstate and international streams: compacts, treaties, and adjudications / 1956
Documents on the use and control of the waters of interstate and international streams: compacts, treaties, and adjudications. 1968
Governing transboundary waters : Canada, the United States and indigenous communities / 2015
Ground water and the law / 1961
Groundwater law, management and administration 1971
How federal policies affect the allocation of water : Congress of the United States, Congressional Budget Office. 2006
How to create a water crisis 1985
Indian water rights : hearings before the Subcommittee on Administrative Practice and Procedure of the Committee on the Judiciary, United States Senate, Ninety-fourth Congress, second session ... June 22 and 23, 1976. 1977
Indian water rights : negotiating the future / 1993
Interpretation and current status of groundwater rights / 1960
Land application of wastewater and state water law : state analysis, volume II / 1978
Law of water rights and resources / 1988
Legal aspects of water salvage 1971
Legal protection of instream water values / 1971
Managing water-related conflicts : the engineer's role : proceedings of the Engineering Foundation Conference, Sheraton Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, California, November 5-10, 1989 / 1990
Monitoring groundwater quality : economic framework and principles / 1976
Public access rights in waters and shorelands / 1971
Report of the Task Force on Non-Indian Federal Water Rights : Task Force 5a--President's water policy implementation. 1980
Report of the Task Force on Non-Indian Federal Water Rights : Task Force 5a--President's water policy implementation. 1980
State water laws and federal water uses the history of conflict, the prospects for accommodation / 1990
Tribal water management handbook. 1988
Water for the energy market : a sourcebook 1983
Water law in a nutshell / 2009
Water laws and concepts / 1970
Water resources law proceedings of the National Symposium on Water Resources Law, December 15-16, 1986, Hyatt Regency, Chicago, Illinois. 1986
Water rights : scarce resource allocation, bureaucracy, and the environment / 1983
Water rights, 1967
Water supply : economics, technology, and policy / 1960
Water transfers; economic efficiency and alternative institutions, 1970
What Indian water means to the West : a sourcebook / 1982

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