Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Water Purification Organic compounds removal)

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Select Item Title Year Published
A Citizen's guide to air sparging. 1992
A selection guide for volatilization technologies for water treatment / 1988
A selection guide for volatilization technologies for water treatment / 1988
Activated carbon : solutions for improving water quality / 2013
Activated carbon adsorption of organics from the aqueous phase / 1980
Adsorption and filtration studies using iron-oxide-coated olivine as a medium 1995
Advanced oxidation processes for control of off-gas emissions from VOC stripping 1989
Alternative adsorbents for the removal of polar organic contaminants 2007
Analysis of extractable organic compounds in water by two stage membrane introduction mass spectrometry 1993
Assessment of mutagenic potential of mixtures of organic substances in renovated water / 1981
Biodegradation of trihalomethanes and other halogenated aliphatic compounds 1996
Biological sulfate reduction for recovering reverse osmosis concentrate : final report / 2006
Characterization of natural organic matter and its relationship to treatability 1993
Concentration of natural organic matter via reverse osmosis and lyophilization / 2020
Consumer tool for identifying point of use drinking water filters certified to reduce lead. 2020
Control of organic compounds with powdered activated carbon 1991
Control of organic substances in water and wastewater. 1987
Correlations for the determination of surface diffusivities of organic chemicals adsorbed onto granular activated carbon / 1986
Demonstration of the High Voltage Environmental Applications, Inc. High Voltage Electron Beam Technology. 1994
Development of methods for the separation and characterization of natural organic matter in dam water / 2014
Drinking water health advisories for 15 volatile organic compounds. 1990
Drinking water health advisory. Volatile organic compounds. 1991
Effect of bicarbonate alkalinity on performance of advanced oxidation processes 1997
Effect of organics on nuclear cycles 1992
Effects of activated carbon characteristics on organic contaminant removal 2003
Effects of molecular and environmental properties on removal of pharmaceuticals, endocrine disruptors and disinfection byproducts by polyamide reverse osmosis membranes : final report / 2008
Electron beam technology : High Voltage Environmental Applications, Inc., draft technology evaluation report. 1995
Evaluation of methods for hazardous chemicals listed in appendix D to 40 CFR 122 (table V) / 1986
Evaluation of methods for the isolation or concentration of organic substances from water using XAD-4 quaternary resin / 1986
Evaluation of the adsorption properties of silicalite for potential application to isolating polar low-molecular-weight organics from drinking water / 1983
Evaluation of the effectiveness of granular activated carbon adsorption and aquaculture for removing toxic compounds from treated petroleum refinery effluents / 1980
Evaluation of the effectiveness of granular activated carbon adsorption and aquaculture for removing toxic compounds from treated petroleum refinery effuents [i.e. effluents] / 1981
Evaluation of VOC emissions from wastewater systems (secondary emissions) : project summary / 1984
Extraction and analysis of organic compounds adsorbed on GAC filters used in treatment plants : submitted to U.S. Environmental Protection Agency / 1982
Final response to BDAT related comments document. Mixed radioactive hazardous wastes, polynuclear aromatic U wastes, hologenated aliphatic U wastes, non-halogenated aromatic U wastes, F0002-F0005: Solvents, F0006: Electroplating WW treatment sludges and F019: Aluminum conversion coating treatment sludges. Volume 1-J. / 1990
GC/MS methodology for measuring priority organics in municipal wastewater treatment / 1981
GC/MS methodology for priority organics in municipal wastewater treatment / 1980
Granular activated carbon treatment. 1991
Health advisories for IOCs and SOCs. 1992
Health advisories for other contaminants. 1992
Heated purge and trap method development and testing 1988
Heated purge and trap method development and testing / 1988
High Voltage Environmental Applications, Inc. electron beam technology. 1997
Impact of slow-rate land treatment on groundwater quality : toxic organics / 1984
In-line ozone and hydrogen peroxide treatment for removal of organic chemicals 1992
Influence of interfacial properties on the two-phase liquid flow of organic contaminants in groundwater 1992
Investigation of stripping of volatile organic contaminants in municipal wastewater treatment systems, phase II / 1990
Isolation and concentration of organic substances from water : an evaluation of supercritical fluid extraction / 1985
Isolation and concentration of organic substances from water using synthetic resins and graphitized carbon black / 1985
Laser induced photochemical oxidative destruction / 1992
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