Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Water Pollution United States)

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Select Item Title Year Published
"208" Symposium, Non-point Sources of Pollution from Forested Land : proceedings of a meeting held at the Student Center, Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, Illinois, October 19-20, 1977 1977
16 air and water pollution issues facing the nation appendix to report / 1978
16 air and water pollution issues facing the nation report to the Congress / 1978
1957 inventory : municipal and industrial waste facilities. 1958
1971 compendium of state regulatory/policy making bodies charged with water pollution control responsibilities. 1972
1972 Fish kills : thirteenth annual report / 1972
1978 needs survey : cost estimates for construction of publicly-owned wastewater treatment facilities / 1979
1982 needs survey : cost estimates for construction of publicly owned wastewater treatment facilities / 1982
1988 needs survey : report to Congress : assessment of needed publicly owned wastewater treatment facilities in the United States. 1989
2000 update of ambient aquatic life water quality criteria for cadmium 2000
2001 update of ambient water quality criteria for cadmium / 2001
2001 update of ambient water quality criteria for cadmium / 2001
2003 update of ambient water quality criteria for copper : (CAS registry number 7440-50-8) / 2003
A Computer survey of GC/MS data acquired in EPA's priority pollutant screening analysis : system and results / 1983
A field screening method for polychlorinated biphenyl compounds in water / 1994
A field screening method for polychlorinated biphenyl compounds in water : project summary / 1994
A framework for modeling fate and effects of toxic substances in Monroe Harbor, Michigan / 0
A history of land application as a treatment alternative / 1979
A legislative history of the Clean water act of 1977 : a continuation of the Legislative history of the Federal water pollution control act, together with a section-by-section index / 1978
A National water agenda for the 21st century : final report / 1992
A network for monitoring the impact on surface water quality / 1980
A practical guide to water quality studies of streams / 1969
A preliminary assessment of water pollution in the Big Sioux River Basin, South Dakota, Iowa, and Minnesota / 1972
A Primer on the Office of Water Enforcement and Compliance and its programs / 1993
A Probabilistic methodology for analyzing water quality effects of urban runoff on rivers and streams : final report. 1989
A report to the Congress on pollution of navigable waters of the U.S. by wastes from watercraft / 1967
A review of literature for methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) in sources of drinking water in the United States / 2003
A Review of methods for assessing nonpoint source contaminated ground-water discharge to surface water / 1991
A review of the EPA red book, Quality criteria for water / 1979
A study of the economic impact on the steel industry : of the costs of meeting federal air and water pollution abatement requirements. 1972
A Survey of PCB in wastewater from paper recycling operations / 1978
A survey of the status of biomonitoring in state NPDES and nonpoint source monitoring programs / 1989
A synopsis of technical issues of concern for monitoring trace elements in highway and urban runoff / 2000
A user's guide for WASTOX, a framework for modeling the fate of toxic chemicals in aquatic environments / 1984
Achieving cleaner waters across America : Supporting effective programs to prevent water pollution from forestry operations. 2000
Acute and chronic effects of water quality criteria based metal mixtures on three aquatic species 1985
Acute and chronic effects of water quality criteria based metal mixtures on three aquatic species / 1986
Addendum to the 1982 needs survey : cost estimates for control of combined sewer discharge to marine bays and estuaries / 1983
Aerial photographic tracing of pulp mill effluent in marine waters, 1971
After the storm / 2004
After the storm / 2004
After the storm : a citizen's guide to understanding stormwater. 2003
Agency catalog of data policies and standards. 1991
Agency determines final regulatory status of special wastes from mineral processing : environmental fact sheet / 1991
Agriculture and the environment : information on and characteristics of selected watershed projects : report to the Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry, U.S. Senate / 1995
Air/water pollution report. 1998
Allocated impact zones for areas of non-compliance / 1995
Allocated impact zones for areas of non-compliance / 1986
Ambient aquatic life water quality criteria for aniline (CAS registry number 62-53-3). 1993
Ambient aquatic life water quality criteria for arsenic / 1985
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