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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Water supply Washington State)

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Select Item Title Year Published
A reconnaissance of the water resources of the Shoalwater Bay Indian Reservation and adjacent areas, Pacific County, Washington, 1978-1979 / 1984
Annual report 1971
Availability of ground water at the border stations at Laurier and Ferry, Washington. 1960
Availability of ground water in Western Cowlitz County, Washington 1970
Background information for water resources management planning in the coastal basins of Washington 1975
Background information for water resources management planning in the western and southern Puget Sound basins 1975
Changing our water ways : trends in Washington's water systems / 2000
Compilation of records of surface waters of the United States, October 1950 to September 1960 Pacific Slope Basins in Washington and Upper Columbia River Basin. 1964
Effects of hydraulic and geologic factors on streamflow of the Yakima River Basin, Washington / 1963
Environmental Evaluation of Snoqualmie National Forest Resource Management Programs. 1973
Evaluation of streamflow records in Yakima River basin, Washington. 1952
Final report on the south Tacoma aquifer system and the 1989-1990 drilling and testing program / 1991
Forests and water resources of Washington State. 1972
Geology and ground-water conditions of Clark County Washington, with a description of a major alluvial aquifer along the Columbia River / 1964
Geology and ground-water resources of Kitsap County, Washington / 1957
Geology and ground-water resources of west-central Lewis County, Washington, 1962
Ground water in Washington its chemical and physical quality, 1965
Ground-water pumpage from the Columbia Plateau, Washington and Oregon, 1945 to 1984 / 1992
Ground-water survey, Odessa-Lind area, Washington 1969
Hydrogeologic setting and water resources of Vashon and Maury Islands, King County, Washington 1983
Index of surface-water records to September 30, 1955 : part 12. Pacific Slope basins in Washington and upper Columbia River basin / 1956
Initial study of the water resources of the State of Washington. 1967
Inventory of Municipal Water Facilities (1963). Region IX. Alaska, Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada, Oregon, and Washington. 1964
Inventory of public water supplies. 1958
Kitsap County comprehensive water study an engineering report for Public Utility District No. 1 of Kitsap County on water supply, transmission and storage. 1966
Lead and copper initial monitoring guidance for public water systems. 2002
Methods for assessing the viability of small water systems : a review of current techniques and approaches. 1995
Monthly and yearly summaries of hydrographic data in the State of Washington to September, 1953 1955
Moxee watershed : watershed plan and environmental assessment for Moxee watershed Yakima County, Washington / 1994
Municipal Water Facilities Inventory as of January 1, 1958. Volume 9. Region IX - Alaska, Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada, Oregon, Washington. 1958
Municipal Water Facilities Inventory as of January 1, 1958. Washington. A Cooperative State-Federal Report. 1958
Numerical model analysis of the effects of ground-water withdrawals on discharge to streams and springs in small basins typical of the Puget Sound lowland, Washington 1999
Outline of the water resources of the Satus Creek basin, Yakima Indian Reservation, Washington / 1977
Price of taming a river : the decline of Puget Sound's Duwamish/Green waterway / 1997
Public water supplies in the Seattle-Tacoma urban complex and adjacent areas, Washington 1974
Quality of the surface waters of Washington. 1914
Reconnaissance investigation : water supply and water quality control study : Skagit River Basin, Puget Sound Basin, Washington / 1966
Resource document for consideration of the Lewiston Basin Aquifer as a sole source aquifer. 1988
Resource document for the consideration of the Tulalip Aquifer as a sole source aquifer. 1988
Seattle Distribution System Corrosion Control Study. Volume 2. Tolt River Water Pilot Plant Study. 1984
Small water systems problems and proposed solutions : a report to the legislature / 1991
Snoqualmie and Issaquah Valley aquifers evaluation executive summary : final report / 1993
Study of Whistle Lake as a possible water impoundment site for Anacortes, Washington 1964
Summary of quantity, quality, and economic methodology for establishing minimum flows establishment of low-flow criteria for conservation, recreation, and aesthetic purposes / 1973
Support document for designation of the Lewiston Basin Aquifer as a sole source aquifer 1988
Support document for designation of the Newberg area aquifer as a sole source aquifer. 1987
Surface water supply of the United States 1961-65. Part 12, Pacific slope basins in Washington. 1971
Ultra-long-range projections in water resource planning. 1971
United States Geological Survey water-supply papers and State of Washington Division of Water Resources water-supply bulletins for river basins in Washington, 1935-1970. 1973
Washington State's water : a 1985 report. 1985
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