Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 5
Showing: Items 1 - 5
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Water Pollution Toxicology Great Lakes Watershed North America)

Select Item Title Year Published
A review of pretreatment programs in the Great Lakes basin : report to the Great Lakes Water Quality Board / 1989
A Strategy for virtual elimination of persistent toxic substances. 1993
Bioindicators as a measure of success for virtual elimination of persistent toxic substances : a report based on a workshop held April 28-29, 1992 at the Michigan League, Ann Arbor, Michigan / 1994
Canada--United States strategy for the virtual elimination of persistent toxic substances in the Great Lakes basin. 1996
The control of discharges of toxic pollutants into the Great Lakes and their tributaries : development of benchmarks : a report to the International Joint Commission / 1991

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