Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 34
Showing: Items 1 - 34
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Water Measurement)

Select Item Title Year Published
A method for the separation of oil from an aqueous oil-detergent solution prior to IR analysis. Part II. 1974
A synopsis of technical issues of concern for monitoring trace elements in highway and urban runoff / 2000
Analysis of petroleum refinery effluents for organic priority pollutants : final report 1978
Compliance monitoring detection and quantitation levels for utility aqueous discharges for EPRI's analytical methods qualification (AMQ) studies - I, II, III / 1993
Determination of trace metal pollutants and their physical and chemical structure in water resources and stream sediments / 1974
Effects of Continuous Chlorination on Entrained Estuarine Plankton. 1980
Effects of nutrient enrichment in the nation's estuaries : a decade of change : National Estuarine Eutrophication Assessment update / 2007
EPA liquid release pathway health impact code : feasibility study / 1982
Estimating atmospheric deposition of toxic substances to the Great Lakes : an update / 1992
Fail-safe oil-in-water monitor development / 1975
Field studies of radon in rocks, soils, and water / 1991
Field testing of USEPA methods 1601 and 1602 for coliphage in groundwater / 2004
Guidelines for collecting and processing samples of stream bed sediment for analysis of trace elements and organic contaminants for the National Water-Quality Assessment Program / 1994
Hypoxia-Induced Respiratory Changes in English Sole ('Parophrys vetulus Girard'). 1988
Male-specific coliphages as indicators of viral contamination of drinking water / 1995
Measurements program for oil-slick characteristics : final report / 1970
Method 1631 : mercury in water by oxidation, purge and trap, and cold vapor atomic fluorescence spectrometry. 1996
Method 1631 : mercury in water by oxidation, purge and trap, and cold vapor atomic fluorescence spectrometry. 1996
Method 1631, revision C : mercury in water by oxidation, purge and trap, and cold vapor atomic fluorescence spectrometry. 2001
Method 1631: mercury in water by oxidation, purge and trap, and cold vapor atomic fluorescence spectrometry. 1995
Method 1631: revision B : mercury in water by oxidation, purge and trap, and cold vapor atomic fluorescence spectrometry. 1999
Method 1637 : determination of trace elements in ambient waters by chelation preconcentration with graphite furnace atomic absorption. 1996
Method 1638 : determination of trace elements in ambient waters by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry. 1996
Method 1639 : determination of trace elements in ambient waters by stabilized temperature graphite furnace atomic absorption. 1996
Method 1640 : determination of trace elements in ambient waters by on-line chelation preconcentration and inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry. 1996
Monitoring trace metals at ambient water quality criteria levels : briefing book. 1995
Movement and longevity of viruses in the subsurface / 2003
Preliminary report of EPA efforts to replace freon for the determination of oil and grease. 1993
Rapid detection of bioterrorism agents in water supplies / 2007
Report of EPA efforts to replace freon for the determination of oil and grease and total petroleum hydrocarbons : phase II. 1995
Some Techniques for the Measurement of Plant and Soil Water Potentials with Thermocouple Psychrometers. 1971
The development of a dot blot assay using gene probes for the detection of enteroviruses in water / 1986
Wastewater Flow Reduction Study. 1975
Water temperature influential factors field measurement, and data presentation / 1975

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