Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 16
Showing: Items 1 - 16
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Water Underground North Dakota)

Select Item Title Year Published
Effects of oil-and-gas well drilling fluids on shallow groundwater in western North Dakota 1983
Geohydrology of the Souris River Valley in the vicinity of Minot, North Dakota 1965
Geohydrology of the Souris River Valley in the vicinity of Minot, North Dakota. 1967
Geology and ground water resources of Burleigh County, North Dakota. 1965
Geology and ground water resources of Divide County, North Dakota. 1965
Geology and ground water resources of Eddy and Foster Counties, North Dakota. 1965
Geology and ground water resources of Kidder County, North Dakota. 1962
Geology and ground water resources of Richland County 1967
Geology and ground water resources of Stutsman County, North Dakota. 1963
Geology and ground water resources, Barnes County, North Dakota. 1964
Geology and ground-water resources of the Drake area, McHenry county, North Dakota / 1961
Glacial drift aquifers in the Gackle area, Logan and Stutsman counties, North Dakota / 1961
Ground water conditions in the vicinity of Parshall, Mountrail County, North Dakota 1962
Ground-water hydrology of prairie potholes in North Dakota, 1972
Guide to North Dakota's ground-water resources 1983
Reconnaissance of geology and ground water of selected areas in North Dakota 1961

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