Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 27
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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Water Underground New Jersey)

Select Item Title Year Published
Earthquake fluctuations in wells in New Jersey / 1960
Evaluation of E.I. DuPont DeNemour and Company, Deepwater, New Jersey / 1987
Evaluation of Rollins Environmental Services, Bridgeport, N.J. 1988
Evaluation of water levels in major aquifers of the New Jersey coastal plain, 1978 1983
Factual data for public-supply wells and selected irrigation wells in Monmouth County, New Jersey / 1960
Geology and ground-water resources of the Cape May peninsula, lower Cape May County, New Jersey : a preliminary report / 1959
Geology as a guide to regional estimates of the water resource. 1968
Geology of the ground water resources of Mercer County. 1965
Greenhouse effect, sea level rise, and salinity in the Delaware Estuary / 1986
Ground-water-quality data for Picatinny Arsenal, New Jersey, 1958-85 1986
Ground-water-withdrawal and water-level data used to simulate regional flow in the major coastal plain aquifers of New Jersey 1988
Hydrogeologic framework of the New Jersey coastal plain / 1984
Hydrogeology of, and ground-water quality in, the Potomac-Raritan-Magothy aquifer system in the Logan Township Region, Gloucester and Salem counties, New Jersey / 1991
Physical analysis of the outflow from an unconfined aquifer : a thesis / 1969
Plan to evaluate the effects of hydrogeologic conditions and human activities on water quality in the coastal plain of New York and New Jersey 1991
Preliminary assessment of water quality and its relation to hydrogeology and land use : Potomac-Raritan-Magothy aquifer system, New Jersey / 1988
Public water supplies in Gloucester County, N.J. / 1963
Records of wells and ground-water quality in Burlington County, New Jersey, a preliminary report. 1962
Records of wells and ground-water quality in Camden County, N.J., with special reference to public water supplies, a preliminary report. 1963
Relation of ground-water quality to land use in the Philadelphia, Pennsylvania--Camden, New Jersey area / 1989
Steady-state computer model of the water-table aquifer in the Mullica River basin, the Pine Barrens, New Jersey 1984
Summary of ground-water resources of Atlantic County, New Jersey, with special reference to public water supplies, 1968
Water resources of the New Jersey part of the Ramapo River basin / 1973
Water resources resume: state atlas sheet no. 23, parts of Bergen, Morris and Passaic Counties, 1965
Water reuse in the coastal plain of New Jersey : a case study / 1983
Water-quality data for aquifers in east-central New Jersey, 1981-82 1984
Water-quality data for the Potomac-Raritan-Magothy aquifer system in southwestern New Jersey, 1923-83 1984

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