Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 36
Showing: Items 1 - 36
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Water Underground Artificial recharge)

Select Item Title Year Published
A dimensionless parameter study of groundwater recharge in Oklahoma / 1971
An appraisal of the possibilities of artificial recharge to ground-water supplies in part of the Roswell basin, New Mexico / 1964
Annotated bibliography on artificial recharge of ground water, 1955-67, 1970
Artificial ground-water recharge on the Arikaree River near Cope, Colorado. 1966
Artificial recharge of a well tapping basalt aquifers, Walla Walla area, Washington 1960
Artificial recharge of ground water proceedings of the International Symposium : Anaheim, California, August 23-27, 1988 / 1989
Artificial recharge of groundwater 1985
Artificial-recharge experiments and operations on the southern High Plains of Texas and New Mexico / 1973
Chemical aspects of ground water recharge with wastewaters 1979
Cyclic storage of fresh water in saline aquifers / 1975
Equipment and controls used in studies of artificial recharge in the Grand Prairie region, Arkansas / 1963
Fate of DDT and nitrate in ground water / 1968
Feasibility of reuse of treated wastewater for irrigation, fertilization, and ground-water recharge in Idaho, 1969
Gas-driven pump for ground-water samples 1978
Ground-water recharge hydrology 1970
Health aspects of wastewater recharge a state-of-the-art review / 1978
Induced recharge of an artesian glacial-drift aquifer at Kalamazoo, Michigan / 1966
Infiltration and groundwater recharge tritium : a direct probe : research project technical completion report / 1981
Influence of recharge basins on the hydrology of Nassau and Suffolk Counties, Long Island, New York / 1974
Introduction to artificial ground-water recharge / 1981
Laboratory study of aquifer properties and well design for an artificial-recharge site / 1966
Movement of moisture in the unsaturated zone in a loess-mantled area, southwestern Kansas 1977
Potential for ground-water recharge in the Coastal Plain of New Castle County, Delaware / 1983
Preliminary investigation of a shallow ground-water flow system associated with Connetquot Brook, Long Island, New York 1980
Preprints of papers presented at the second International Symposium on Underground Waste Management and Artificial Recharge. 1973
Problems in artificial recharge through wells in the Grand Prairie region, Arkansas / 1963
Proceedings of the Fourth National Outdoor Action Conference on Aquifer Restoration, Ground Water Monitoring, and Geophysical Methods. 1990
Proceedings of the Second National Outdoor Action Conference on Aquifer Restoration, Ground Water Monitoring, and Geophysical Methods : May 23-26, 1988, Las Vegas Hilton, Las Vegas, Nevada / 1988
Proceedings of the Third National Outdoor Action Conference on Aquifer Restoration, Ground Water Monitoring, and Geophysical Methods : May 22-25, 1989, Orange County Convention Center, Orlando Florida / 1989
Reactions of heavy metals and other mineral water quality constituents with soil materials in rapid infiltration groundwater recharge systems using reclaimed wastewaters technical completion report / 1983
Recharge and mixing tests at Yavne 20 well field (1963/64 and 1964/65) 1966
Reuse of municipal wastewater for groundwater recharge / 1977
Study of reutilization of wastewater recycled through groundwater / 1972
Summary of the occurrence and development of ground water in the Southern High Plains of Texas 1964
Testing procedures and results of studies of artificial recharge in the Grand Prairie region, Arkansas / 1965
Water budget and hydraulic aspects of artificial recharge, south coast of Puerto Rico / 1979

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