Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 31
Showing: Items 1 - 31
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Water waves)

Select Item Title Year Published
Amoco/USEPA pollution prevention project : surface water sampling / 1991
An experimental study of the growth of mechanically generated surface water waves when subjected to a fully developed turbulent channel airflow / 1972
Artificial reaeration of receiving waters. 1969
Automated Great Lakes wave forecasts / 1977
Basic concepts of kinematic-wave models / 1984
Coastal and estuarine processes / 2009
Design Information Report: Protection of Wastewater Lagoon Interior Slopes. 1986
Experimental Investigation of Hydraulic Transients in River-Reservoir Systems - Phase III. 1971
Experimental Investigation of Hydraulic Transients in River-Reservoir Systems-Phase II. 1971
Experimental Study of Air and Water Interfacial Interaction. 1971
Experiments on Wave Breaking in Stratified Flow over Obstacles. 1993
Factors affecting the appearance of surface waters. 1969
In-Place Burning of Prudhoe Bay Oil in Broken Ice. 1984
Investigation of atmospheric turbulent transfer processes over water : 1967
Macro-turbulence from wind waves, 1969
Magic Island Complex, including Kewalo Basin and Ala Wai Boat Harbor, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii : hydraulic model investigation / 1967
Model study of the effect of submerged breakwaters on wave action 1940
Observations of tidal periodic internal waves over a three day period off Panama City, Florida / 1964
Ocean current and wave measurements at the Canaveral Harbor ocean dredged material disposal site, January 2003 through February 2004 2005
OHMSETT "high seas" performance testing : MARCO Class V oil skimmer / 1978
On small scale breaking waves / 1973
Performance testing of selected inland oil spill control equipment / 1977
Performance testing of the Tetradyne high speed air jet skimmer / 1978
Performance Tests of High Speed ZRV Oil Skimmer. 1980
Shore-breaking wave height transformation ; and, Wavelength and wave celerity during shore-breaking / 2000
Spreading and movement of oil spills / 1970
Surface waves at short fetches and low wind speeds : a field study 1960
Verification and Transfer of Termal Pollution Model. Volume II: User's Manual for Three-Dimensional Free-Surface Model. 1982
Verification and Transfer of Thermal Pollution Model. Volume I: Verification of Three-Dimensional Free-Surface Model. 1982
Verification and Transfer of Thermal Pollution Model. Volume III: Verification of Three-Dimensional Rigid-Lid Model. 1982
Wave Resonance Near Shores. 1972

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