Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Showing: Items 601 - 650
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Water treatment)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Cross-flow pervaporation for removal of VOCs from contaminated wastewater. 1994
Cryptosporidium and Giardia occurrence assessment for the interim enhanced surface water treatment rule / 1998
Cryptosporidium and the Milwaukee Incident. 1994
Cryptosporidium: The Milwaukee Experience and Relevant Research. 1994
Current management of membrane plant concentrate 2000
Current state of corrosion control: technologies and costs. 1991
Data base for influent heavy metals in publicly owned treatment works / 1981
Data book of world lake environments : a survey of the state of world lakes / 1989
Data Deficiencies, Problem Areas, and Recommendations for Additional Database Development for p-Chlorophenyl Methyl Sulfide, -Sulfoxide, and -Sulfone (PCPMS, PCPMSO, and PCPMSO2). 1992
Data Deficiencies, Problem Areas, and Recommendations for Additional Database Development for Tetranitromethane (TNM). 1992
Data-Based Water Quality Information System. 1988
Database Management Techniques to Ensure Project Integrity. Annual SAS Users Group International Conference (14th). Held in San Francisco, California on April 9-12, 1989. 1989
DBP Control in Drinking Water: Cost and Performance. 1994
DBP/ICR analytical methods guidance manual : public comment draft. 1994
Decentralized wastewater treatment systems : a program strategy / 2005
Decision Support for Renewal of Wastewater Collection and Water Distribution Systems. 2011
Decision Support System for Drinking Water Research Using Microcomputers and Mainframes. 1987
Decision-Maker's Guide in Water Supply Management. 1979
Decision-Making in Wastewater/Drinking Water Management. 1991
Decision-support tools for predicting the performance of water distribution and wastewater collection systems [electronic resource] / 2002
Definitive Study of Barriers to the Introduction of New Porducts and Technologies into Water Supply Systems 1985
Defluoridation of Drinking Water in Small Communities. 1985
Demineralization of sand-filtered secondary effluent by spiral-wound reverse osmosis process / 1977
Demonstrate Feasibility of the Use of Ultrasonic Filtration in Treating the Overflows from Combines and/or Storm Sewers. 1967
Demonstrate the Effectiveness of Iodine for the Disinfection of Public Water Supplies and Determine the Physiological Effects on a Human Population. 1965
Demonstrate the Effectiveness of Iodine for the Disinfection of Public Water Supplies and to Determine the Physiological Effects on a Human Population. 1963
Demonstrated technology and research needs for reuse of municipal wastewater / 1975
Demonstrating remediation by natural attenuation using numerical ground water models and annual ground water sampling / 1997
Demonstrating the Effects of Nutrients in Bio-Oxidation Pond Receiving Streams. 1971
Demonstration of alternative cleaning systems / 1995
Demonstration of Aquafix and SAPS passive mine water treatment technologies at the Summitville Mine site. 2004
Demonstration of Fuel Cells to Recover Energy from Anaerobic Digester Gas. Phase 1. A Conceptual Design, Preliminary Cost, and Evaluation Study. 1995
Demonstration of Industrial Water Renovation Plant at Odessa, Texas. 1968
Demonstration of Low-Cost Arsenic Removal from a Variety of Illinois Drinking Waters. 2006
Demonstration of Resistive Heating Treatment of DNAPL Source Zone at Launch Complex 34 in Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Florida. 2008
Demonstration of the AquaBlok® sediment capping technology innovative technology evaluation report. [electronic resource] : 2007
Denitrification by anaerobic filters and ponds : phase II / 1971
Denitrification by anaerobic filters and ponds, phase II / 1971
Denitrification by Anaerobic Filters and Ponds. Phase II. 1971
Density Matters: Review of Approaches to Setting Organism-Based Ballast Water Discharge Standards. 2011
Denver's direct potable water reuse demonstration project final report : executive summary : William C. Lauer Reuse Demonstration Plant. 1993
Denver's Water Conservation Program : Compliance Review for 1989 Pursuant to the Foothills Consent Decree. 1990
Derivatization of Organic and Inorganic N-Chloramines for High-Performance Liquid Chromatographic Analysis of Chlorinated Water. 1984
Desalination of Brackish Groundwater 1977
Design and operation guidelines for optimization of the high-rate filtration process : plant demonstration studies / 1992
Design and operation guidelines for optimization of the high-rate filtration process : plant survey results / 1989
Design and performance of slow sand filters in the Pacific Northwest 1989
Design Considerations for GAC (Granular Activated Carbon) Treatment of Organic Chemicals. 1987
Design for Total Organics Removal at Cincinnati. 1992
Design guidelines for conventional pump-and-treat systems / 1997
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