Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 27
Showing: Items 1 - 27

Select Item Title Year Published
Construction grants, 1982 : municipal wastewater treatment / 1982
Construction grants, 1985 : municipal wastewater treatment / 1984
Cost estimating manual for water treatment facilities / 2008
Design of facilities for physical-chemical wastewater treatment of raw waste water / 1973
Design-build for water and wastewater projects / 2012
Improving clearwell design for CT compliance 1998
Integrated design and operation of water treatment facilities / 2000
Integrated design of water treatment facilities / 1991
Maximizing peak flow surge hold and feedback : floatable structures / 1973
Oily waste and waste water floatable systems : creditability and feasibility / 1972
Optimization of membrane treatment for direct and clarified water filtration / 2006
Physical-chemical wastewater treatment plant design / 1974
Revision of Agency guidance for evaluation of land treatment alternatives employing surface application, construction grants program requirement memorandum, PRM no. 79-3 / 1979
SDWA enforcement manual. 1984
Small water pollution control works design and practice / 1988
State design criteria for wastewater treatment systems. 1990
Stream pollution abatement by supplemental pumping / 1975
Thermal power and the cost of waste heat treatment 1968
Water treatment plant design 1990
Water treatment plant design 1998
Water treatment plant design / 2012
Water treatment plant design / 2005
Water treatment plant design for the practicing engineer / 1978
Water treatment plant design. 1969
Water treatment principles and design / 1985
Water works engineering : planning, design, and operation / 2000
[Construction grants program requirement memorandum, PRM no. 78-3 through PRM no. 78-7]. 1978

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