Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 15
Showing: Items 1 - 15
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Water temperature Mathematical models)

Select Item Title Year Published
A mathematical model for predicting temperature in rivers and river-run reservoirs / 1969
A preliminary analysis of the thermal regime of Dworshak Reservoir / 2003
Application of a 1-D heat budget model to the Columbia river system 2001
Application of a 1-D heat budget model to the Columbia river system / 2001
Columbia river temperature assessment : RBM-10 water temperature model {electronic resource} / 2001
Developing a temperature total maximum daily load for the Columbia and Snake rivers : simulation methods / 2003
Effect of meteorological variables on temperature changes in flowing streams / 1975
Evaluation of mathematical models for temperature prediction in deep reservoirs / 1975
Evaluation of water temperature regimes in the Snake river using transect measurements and the RBM10 model 2001
Improving the statistical reliability of stream heat assimilation prediction / 1975
Management and measurement of 'DO' in impoundments / 1966
Mathematical models for the prediction of thermal energy changes in impoundments / 1969
Prediction of the annual cycle of temperature changes in a stratified lake or reservoir; mathematical model and user's manual, 1971
State-of-the-art of thermal plume modeling for large lakes 1972
Temperature simulation of the Snake river above lower Granite Dam using transect measurements and the CE-QUAL-W2 model 2002

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