Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Water supply Agricultural)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Agricultural drought guidebook 1988
Agricultural hydrology and water quality American Water Resources Association 2003 Spring Specialty Conference proceedings : May 12-14, 2003, Kansas City, MO / {electronic resource} : 2003
Agricultural irrigation and water supply 1987
Agricultural nonpoint source strategy 1979
Agricultural water conservation in California, with emphasis on the San Joaquin Valley / 1982
Agricultural water demands future water and land use : effects of selected public agricultural and irrigation policies on water demand and land use / 1972
Agricultural water security listening session : final report : September 9-10, 2004, Park City, UT / 2004
Agriculture nonpoint source control strategy / 1980
Agriculture--a river runs through it : the connections between agriculture and water quality / 2018
Availability of ground water for irrigation from glacial outwash in the Perham area, Otter Tail County, Minnesota / 1972
Demand for agricultural water in Utah 1973
Draft environmental impact report, Westlands Water District, elimination of drainage water flow into the San Luis Drain / 1985
East Side Division, agricultural economy appendix and evaluation of municipal and industrial water requirements. 1961
Effects of agricultural practices and septic-system effluent on the quality of water in the unconfined aquifer in parts of eastern Sussex County, Delaware 1989
Effects on agriculture in Utah of water transfers to oil shale development 1976
Encyclopedia of water science / 2008
Encyclopedia of water science / 2003
Environmental impact of agricultural activities : proceedings of industrial and agricultural impacts on the hydrologic environment : the Second USA/CIS Joint Conference on Environmental Hydrology and Hydrogeology / 1993
Farmers and fresh water : voluntary conservation to protect our land and waters : hearing before the Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry, United States Senate, One Hundred Thirteenth Congress, second session, December 3, 2014. 2015
Field manual for research in agricultural hydrology. 1979
Final finding of no significant impact agreement for use of a portion of the San Luis Drain by Westlands Water District / 1987
Great Plains Symposium 1996 : the Ogallala Aquifer, sharing knowledge for the future / 1996
Impact evaluation of increased water use by agriculture in Michigan project completion report / 1982
Impact of energy resource development on water resource allocations 1978
Improving Efficiency in Agricultural Water Use. 1970
Increasing water use efficiency through improved orifice design and operational procedures for subirrigation systems : research project completion report / 1975
Irrigation water use in the Central Valley of California : a report of the Central Valley Water Use Study Committee. 1987
Memorandum for the field : individual permit flexibility for small landowners. 1995
Memorandum of agreement among the Department of Agriculture, the Environmental Protection Agency, the Department of the Interior, and the Department of the Army : concerning the delineation of wetlands for purposes of Section 404 of the Clean Water Act and Subtitle B of the Food Security Act. 1994
Nonpoint source control guidance : agricultural activities / 1978
Prospects for irrigation in eastern Cheyenne and Kiowa Counties, Colorado / 1963
Regional Director's report of January 1951 on Silt Project, Colorado : a supplement to the Colorado River Storage Project Report. 1951
Report of reappraisal of direct agricultural benefits and project impacts, Silt Project, Colorado, Colorado River Storage Project 1961
Reuse of wastewater in agriculture : a guide for planners / 1994
River of renewal / 2009
Salt chemistry effects on salinity assessment in the Arkansas River Basin, Colorado 2006
Solving the Klamath crisis : keeping farms & fish alive / 2006
Summary of ground-water pumpage in the Central Valley, California, 1961-77 1983
Tough choices facing the challenge of food scarcity / 1996
Toward optimal water management in Colorado's Lower Arkansas River Valley : monitoring and modeling to enhance agriculture and environment / 2006
Toxic substances in agricultural water supply and drainage : defining the problems : proceedings from the 1986 regional meetings sponsored by the U.S. Committee on Irrigation and Drainage 1986
Turning off the tap on federal water subsidies : Volume I, the Central Valley Project: the $3.5 billion giveaway / 1985
Use of water by native vegetation / 1942
Water and agricultural sustainability strategies / 2010
Water banking : how to stop wasting agricultural water 1978
Water for agriculture : facing the limits / 1989
Water for western agriculture 1982
Water implications of biofuels production in the United States / 2008
Water inputs in California food production / 1991
Water quality : information on USDA's water quality cost-share programs : fact sheet for the Chairman, Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry, U.S. Senate / 1992
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