Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
2003 Great Bay Water Quality (DataSonde) Monitoring System. A Final Report to the New Hampshire Estuaries Project. 2004
2005 Great Bay Water Quality (DataSonde) Monitoring Program. 2006
A comparative study of water chemistry analyses from Canada, Norway, and the United States : analytical methods and raw data / 1988
A comparative study of water chemistry analyses from Canada, Norway, and the United States : analytical methods and raw data / 1987
A sampling and analysis plan for streams, in the National Surface Water Survey conducted by EPA / 1987
A virus-in-water study of finished water from six communities / 1975
Alaska placer mining metals study : year two / 1999
Alaskan Placer Mining Study and Testing Summary Report 1984. Preliminary Draft. 1984
Ames 'Salmonella' Mutagenicity Assay Procedures for Water Samples. Protocol A: Sample Collection. Protocol B: Sample Processing. Protocol C: Ames 'Salmonella' Mutagenicity Assay. 1991
Ammonium sulfamate : health advisory / 1987
An empirical investigation of sampling and other errors in the National Stream Survey : analysis of a replicated sample of streams / 1987
Analysis of data from long-term monitoring of lakes / 1987
Analysis of Occurrence Data from the Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring Regulation (UCM) Program and National Inorganics and Radionuclides Survey (NIRS) in Support of Regulatory Determinations for the Second Drinking Water Contaminant Candidate List. 2006
Analysis of priority pollutants at a primary zinc production facility / 1979
Analysis of TMDL Implementation Rates in EPA Region 5. 2009
Analytical Methods Evaluation for Applicability in Leachate Analysis. 1981
Analytical procedures for aniline and selected derivatives in wastewater and sludge : project summary / 1984
Analytical reference service : report on sample type 1. 1956
Animal source identification using a cryptosporidium DNA characterization technique [electronic resource] / 2002
Annual water sampling and analysis calendar year 2001 : Shoal Test Site Area, Faultless Test Site Area, Rulison Test Site Area, Rio Blanco Test Site Area, Gasbuggy Test Site Area, Gnome Test Site Area. / 2005
Annual water sampling and analysis calendar year 2002 : Shoal Test Site Area, Faultless Test Site Area, Rulison Test Site Area, Rio Blanco Test Site Area, Gasbuggy Test Site Area, Gnome Test Site Area. / 2005
Aquatic Resources Injury Assessment Report, Upper Clark Fork River Basin, Appendices A-G 1993
Arsenic removal from drinking water by iron removal plants / 2000
Automated Sampler, A Master Analytical Scheme, and a Registry System for Organics in Water. 1979
Benthic Macroinvertebrate Communities at Maryland's Core/Trend Monitoring Stations: Water Quality Status and Trends. 2009
Buzzards Bay research bacteriological data report. 1989
Changes in Conditions at Wildcat Landfill Superfund Site in Delaware Call for Increased EPA Oversight. Evaluation Report. 2010
Characteristics of lakes in the eastern United States. 1987
Chemical data for water samples collected during four upriver cruises on the Mississippi River between New Orleans, Louisiana, and Minneapolis, Minnesota, May 1990-April 1992 / 1995
Chesapeake Bay Atmospheric Deposition Study Final Report. 1996
Clean Water and the American Economy: An Overview. 1992
Coal remining statistical support document : draft. 2000
Colloidal-facilitated transport of inorganic contaminants in ground water. Part I, Sampling considerations / 1990
Combined Lists of Environmental Laboratories. 1999
Comparison of Verification Procedures for the Membrane Filter Total Coliform Technique. 1983
Compendium of ERT surface water and sediment sampling procedures : interim final. 1991
Compendium of methods for marine and estuarine environmental studies. 1989
Compilation of E.P.A.'s sampling and analysis methods 1992
Compilation of E.P.A.(R)s sampling and analysis methods / 1991
Comprehensive Nonpoint Source Field Study for Sediment, Nutrients, and Pathogens in the South Fork Broad River Watershed in Northeast Georgia. 2004
Concentration and transport data for dissolved inorganic constituents in water collected during seven cruises on the Mississippi River and some of its tributaries, July 1987-June 1990 / 1995
Condition of South Carolina's Estuarine and Coastal Habitats During 1999-2000. Technical Report. South Carolina Estuarine and Coastal Assessment Program. 2002
Contaminants and Drinking-Water Sources in 2001: Recent Findings of the U.S. Geological Survey. 2002
Contract laboratory program guidance for field samplers, EPA 540-R-09-03 / 2010
Cryptosporidium genotyping method for regulatory microscope slides. 2010
Decision Rationale Total Maximum Daily Loads Anacostia River Watershed for Fecal Coliform Bacteria. 2003
Determination of selected pesticides and flame retardants in drinking water by solid phase extraction and capillary column gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) 2005
Determination of the Chemical Oxygen Demand of Shell Chemicals with Cover Letter. 1982
Determination of Trace Anions in Water by Multidimensional Ion Chromatography. 1984
Development of a helicopter water quality monitoring/sampling system / 1981
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