Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 187
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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Water resources development United States)

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Select Item Title Year Published
A guide to the water data sources directory of the National Water Data Exchange : catalog of information on water data / 1980
A handbook for state ground water managers : using EPA ground water-related grants to support the development and implementation of comprehensive state ground water protection programs. 1992
A review of recent United States Army Corps of Engineers chief's reports and post-authorization change reports : hearing before the Subcommittee on Water Resources and Environment of the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, House of Representatives, One Hundred Thirteenth Congress, second session, April 29, 2014. 2014
Adaptive management for water resources project planning / 2004
Agricultural water security listening session : final report : September 9-10, 2004, Park City, UT / 2004
Alternatives for a National Water Resources Research Center and Information Clearinghouse : a report / 1984
Alternatives in water management; a report / 1969
America's water infrastructure needs and challenges : hearing before the Committee on Environment and Public Works, United States Senate, One Hundred Fifteenth Congress, second session, January 10, 2018. 2018
An assessment of sediments from the Upper Mississippi River : final report - June 1997. 1997
Analysis of the flow variation of the Big Sioux River / 1970
Analytical methods and approaches for water resources project planning 2004
Analytical methods and approaches for water resources project planning [electronic resource] / 2004
Annual report / 1982
Assessing seawater intake systems for desalination plants / 2011
At a Glance : Summary of Recent Developments in EPA's Drinking Water Program and Areas for Additional Focus. 2008
Canadian-United States water resources problems and policies 1965
Clean water report. 1964
Climate change and water resources management : a federal perspective / 2009
Climate, climatic change, and water supply / 1977
Compendium of Federal financial assistance programs : targeting programs for state and local ground-water protection. 1990
Compendium of Federal financial assistance programs : targeting programs to coastal management. 1990
Comprehensive framework study. 1970
Comptrain project : final report / 1985
Conjunctive use of water resources : aquifer storage and recovery : proceedings, AWRA symposium / 1997
Conventional wisdom plus a new philosophy : Corps of Engineers water resources planning. 1974
Developing criteria to protect our nation's waters. 1998
Drinking water : key aspects of EPA's revolving fund program need to be strengthened : report to Congressional requesters / 2002
Drinking water infrastructure grants : territorial set-aside program / 1998
Drinking water infrastructure grants : tribal set-aside program : final guidelines. 1998
Economic analysis of cost sharing arrangements in water and related land resources : completion report / 1979
Economic performance of public investments an ex post evaluation of water resources investments 1972
Economics and public policy in water resource development / 1964
Economics in interdisciplinary water resources analysis: a summary of problem areas, delivered at the meeting of the American Water Resources Association, San Francisco, Calif., Nov. 8-10, 1967. 1967
Engineering a victory for our environment : a citizens' guide to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers / 1971
Environmental protection and administrative change in state water management in the Pacific Coast states / 1974
Environmental statements-framework studies and assessments and regional or river basin plans. 1971
Essentials of ground-water hydrology pertinent to water-resources planning 1973
Essentials of ground-water hydrology pertinent to water-resources planning / 1980
Evaluation of the Drinking Water and Clean Water Infrastructure Tribal Set-Aside Grant Programs / 2011
Farm drainage in the United States history, status, and prospects / 1987
Federal and government-sponsored agencies in the water resources field : areas of interest and information services / 1969
Federal ground-water science and technology programs the role of science and technology in addressing four significant national ground-water issues / 1992
Fifth National Conference, Water Resources Division proceedings, November 17-21, 1985, San Diego, California / 1986
Final report on environmental quality assessment in multiobjective planning to Bureau of Reclamation, U.S. Department of the Interior / 1977
Financing strong state water programs in new ways : proceedings of a national workshop March 20-21, 1989, Denver, Colorado / 1989
Future spending on water infrastructure : a comparison of estimates from the Congressional Budget Office and the Environmental Protection Agency. 2003
General grant regulations and procedures applicable to : state and local assistance, research demonstration, investigation survey or study, training fellowships. 1980
General grant regulations and procedures applicable to : state and local assistance, research demonstration, investigation survey or study, training fellowships. 1979
General grant regulations and procedures applicable to : state and local assistance, research demonstration, investigation survey or study, training fellowships. 1978
Geological Survey research 1965. 1965
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