Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 13
Showing: Items 1 - 13
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Water resources development Great Lakes Region North America)

Select Item Title Year Published
1976 Great Lakes directory of universities, research institutes, and agencies concerned with water and land resources in the Great Lakes Basin / 1976
Addendum to the First biennial report under the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement of 1978 / 1982
Coastal hazards plan : with final environmental impact statement. 1981
Great Lakes basin plan : water quality plan and final environmental impact statement. 1980
Great Lakes Basin programs FY75-FY79. 1975
Great Lakes diversions and consumptive uses : a report to the governments of the United States and Canada under the 1977 Reference / 1985
Great Lakes institutions : a survey of institutions concerned with the water and related resources in the Great Lakes Basin / 1969
Great Lakes management agenda : Draft / 1989
Hazardous materials strategy : with final environmental impact statement. 1980
Priorities - FY 1982 : approved by the GLBC May 21, 1980. 1980
System analysis for Great Lakes water resources : proceedings of the Fourth Symposium on Water Resources Research of the Ohio State University Water Resources Center, October 1969. 1969
The Great Lakes of the United States and Canada : a reader on management improvement strategies / 1974
Water quality plan : with final environmental impact statement. 1980

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