Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Showing: Items 501 - 550
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Water resources development)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Great Creek watershed, Brunswick and Lunenburg counties, Virginia : final plan and final environmental impact statement / 1976
GREAT I Water Quality Work Group appendix : upper Mississippi River, head of navigation to Guttenberg, Iowa. 1979
GREAT III : Great River resource management study--14028, Mississippi River (Saverton, Missouri to Cairo, Illinois) : final report, September 1982. 1982
Great Lakes Basin framework study : {draft appendices}. 1970
Great Lakes basin framework study. 1974
Great Lakes basin plan : water quality plan and final environmental impact statement. 1980
Great Lakes Basin programs FY75-FY79. 1975
Great Lakes Commission bylaws. 1962
Great Lakes diversions and consumptive uses : a report to the governments of the United States and Canada under the 1977 Reference / 1985
Great Lakes environmental planning using limnological systems analysis / 1977
Great Lakes institutions : a survey of institutions concerned with the water and related resources in the Great Lakes Basin / 1969
Great Lakes management agenda : Draft / 1989
Great Lakes policy issues and the 98th Congress 1984
Great Lakes Protection Fund annual report, 1992. 1992
Great Lakes--St. Lawrence River Basin Sustainable Water Resources Agreement. 2005
Great Lakes--St. Lawrence River Basin Water Resources Compact. 2005
Great Lakes--St. Lawrence River Basin Water Resources Compact. 2008
Great Plains Symposium 1996 : the Ogallala Aquifer, sharing knowledge for the future / 1996
Great River Environmental Action Team, Floodplain Management Work Group final appendix / 1979
Great Salt Lake 1977
Green Bay watershed : past/present/future 1976
Green River Basin, Wyoming : working paper : type IV study. 1975
Greenways plan for the Suasco Watershed / 2000
Ground water : the hidden resource / 0
Ground water in Colorado : its importance during an emergency 1963
Ground water management : proceedings of a Southeast Regional Conference, January 30-31, 1980, Birmingham, Alabama 1981
Ground water management in development of a national policy on water / 1971
Ground water resources of the Tillman Terrace deposits, Tillman County, Oklahoma / 1974
Ground-water conditions and well yields in fractured rocks, southwestern Nevada County, California / 1984
Ground-water data : Beaver, Escalante, Cedar City and Parowan valleys, parts of Washington, Iron, Beaver, and Millard counties, Utah / 1963
Ground-water data : Sevier Desert, Utah / 1964
Ground-water resources of Caddo Parish, Louisiana, 1992 / 1996
Ground-water resources of the Clifton Park area, Saratoga County, New York 2002
Groundwater economics / 2010
Groundwater resources of Hanover County, Virginia 1979
Groundwater resources of Pike County, Pennsylvania 1989
Groundwater, the hidden resource! / 1994
Growing toward more efficient water use : linking development, infrastructure, and drinking water policies. 2006
Growth & water resources : the link between land use and water resources. 2002
Guidance to utilities on building alliances with watershed stakeholders. 2001
Guide to water research information sources in the State of Washington 1973
Guidelines for risk and uncertainty analysis in water resources planning 1992
Guidelines for the preparation of an environmental assessment : an integral component of the cost-effective analysis portion of a facilities plan. 1980
Guidelines of lake management. 1988
Gunpowder Falls, Maryland; uses of a water resource today and tomorrow ... 1966
Habitat needs assessment for the Upper Mississippi River System : technical report / 2000
Handbook of engineering hydrology. Environmental hydrology and water management / 2014
Hazardous materials strategy : with final environmental impact statement. 1980
Health guidelines for water and related land resources planning, development and management : a guideline / 1971
Healthy water, healthy people. 2002
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