Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 50
Showing: Items 1 - 50
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Water resources development Ohio)

Select Item Title Year Published
Annual report - Ohio River Basin Commission. 1971
Dimensions of water management; proceedings. 1970
Future development of the ground-water resource in the lower Great Miami River Valley, Ohio : problems and alternative solutions / 1968
Irrigation and rural water use in Ohio. 1959
Northeast Ohio water development plan : interim report ; Grand,Upper Cuyahoga and Lower Mahoning River Basins 1971
Northeast Ohio water development plan. 1968
Northeast Ohio water plan. 1972
Northwest Ohio water development plan; a comprehensive program for all phases of water management. 1967
Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Water fact sheet : dam safety: critical flood design criteria. 1999
Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Water fact sheet : dam safety: design and maintenance of trashracks for pipe and riser spillways. 1999
Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Water fact sheet : dam safety: embankment instabilities. 1999
Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Water fact sheet : dam safety: ground cover. 1999
Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Water fact sheet : dam safety: lake drains. 1999
Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Water fact sheet : dam safety: open channel spillways (concrete chutes and weirs). 1999
Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Water fact sheet : dam safety: open channel spillways (earth and rock). 1999
Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Water fact sheet : dam safety: outlet erosion control structures (stilling basins). 1999
Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Water fact sheet : dam safety: probable maximum flood. 1995
Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Water fact sheet : dam safety: seepage through earthen dams. 1999
Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Water fact sheet : dam safety: spillway conduit system problems. 1999
Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Water fact sheet : dam safety: upstream slope protection. 1999
Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Water fact sheet : evaluating ground water pollution potential in Ohio. 2006
Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Water fact sheet : ground water level monitoring in Ohio. 2004
Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Water fact sheet : ground water quality. 1997
Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Water fact sheet : ground water resource mapping in Ohio. 2004
Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Water fact sheet : natural benefits of floodplains. 2005
Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Water fact sheet : Ohio & Erie Canal/hydraulic operations. 1997
Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Water fact sheet : potentiometric surface mapping in Ohio. 2005
Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Water fact sheet : precipitation in Ohio. 1992
Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Water fact sheet : remediation alternatives. 2002
Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Water fact sheet : the community rating system and flood hazard mitigation. 1997
Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Water fact sheet : the hydrologic cycle. 1999
Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Water fact sheet : the Ohio canal system. 1992
Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Water fact sheet : understanding your flood risk. 2008
Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Water fact sheet : well construction in a buried valley. 1997
Ohio River Basin comprehensive survey-- main report and development program formulation. Communication from the Chairman, United States Water Resources Council, transmitting the Council's report on a comprehensive program for water and related land use in the Ohio River Basin, pursuant to Public law 89-80. 1971
Ohio River Basin comprehensive survey. 1964
Ohio water firsts 1985
Ohio's water, Ohio's future / 1994
Proceedings 1965
Program Review for Ohio River Basin Comprehensive Project. 1966
Southwest Ohio water development plan. 1969
Surface water supply of the United States, 1925. Part III, Ohio River Basin / 1929
Survey Report on Hocking River Basin, Ohio : for water resources development / 1965
The ground-water resources of Franklin County, Ohio / 1958
Water inventory of the Hocking River Basin, Shade River and leading creek basins and adjacent Ohio River tributary areas. 1966
Water inventory of the Portage River and Sandusky River Basins and adjacent Lake Erie tributary areas. 1967
Water resources data for Ohio. 1965
Water resources data Ohio. 1981
Water resources development in Ohio, 1977. 1977
Water resources of the Wheeling-Steubenville area, West Virginia and Ohio 1955

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